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Twig templates engine: get current url(树枝模板引擎:获取当前网址)



如何从 Twig 模板中获取当前 URL?

How can I get the current URL from a Twig template?

我正在使用 Twig 和 PHP,没有任何其他框架.

I am using Twig with PHP, without any other framework.



当前 URL 由您的 Web 服务器提供并写入 $_SERVER 超级全局.运行这个小脚本,<?php echo '<pre>';print_r($_SERVER);,通过你的服务器和 root 来找到你正在寻找的值.

The current URL is supplied by your web server and written to the $_SERVER super-global. Run this small script, <?php echo '<pre>'; print_r($_SERVER);, through your server and root around to find the value(s) you are looking for.


Related questions on this subject:

  • 获取当前网址
  • PHP 确定当前 url
  • 如何在 PHP 中获取当前页面的 URL

PHP 手册描述了可用$_SERVER 此处的值.

在 TWIG 中获取 URL

获得 URL 后,在 Twig 模板实例上调用 render(...) 时,需要将其作为模板变量传递.例如,您可以编写此代码.

After you have the URL, you need to pass it as a template variable when calling render(...) on the Twig template instance. For example, you might code this.

$current_url = // figure out what the current url is

// pass the current URL as a variable to the template
echo $template->render(array('current_url' => $current_url));

要在模板中使用变量,请使用 {{ variable_name }} 语法.

To use the variable in the template, you use the {{ variable_name }} syntax.

  • 开发者的基本 Twig 文档
  • 使用变量的 Twig 设计器文档.

