PHP not rendering in HTML(PHP不在HTML中呈现)
我正在使用带有 IIS 7 的 Windows 7.我正在尝试开始使用 PHP.我执行了以下操作:
I am using Windows 7 with IIS 7. I am trying to get started with PHP. I have performed the following:
- 使用 Web 平台安装程序安装 PHP
- 通过在我的网站根文件夹内的 PHP 管理器上使用检查 phpinfo()"验证 PHP 已安装(全部在我的本地计算机上)
当我测试 PHP 是否正在处理一个简单的 HTML 页面时,如下所示:
When I test to see if PHP is working with a simple HTML page as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo "My first PHP script!";
Chrome 不渲染任何东西.我期待看到文字.
Chrome does not render anything. I am expecting to see the text.
If this problem ocurrs check:
- 文件是否有扩展名
? - 服务器上的路径是否正确?
重要的是要记住,我假设您有一个激活了 php 支持的服务器.在服务器上,PHP文件的默认扩展名是.php
Its is important to remember that I am assuming that you have a server with php suport activated. On the server, the default extension to PHP files is .php
, but you can check with the administrator to garantee.
You can also check if the error log is enable. When it is disabled, and the code has a syntax error, nothing is showed on the screen. You can read more here:
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