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如何更新 phpunit?

How do I update phpunit?(如何更新 phpunit?)

本文介绍了如何更新 phpunit?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经尝试了一切,包括 https://stackoverflow.com/a/8740349/251311 以及所有可能的频道升级和清除缓存命令.但还是:

I have already tried everything, including https://stackoverflow.com/a/8740349/251311 and all possible channel upgrade and clear cache commands. But still:

$ sudo pear install -a -f phpunit/PHPUnit
downloading PHPUnit-3.6.12.tgz ...
Starting to download PHPUnit-3.6.12.tgz (120,240 bytes)
..........................done: 120,240 bytes
install ok: channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit-3.6.12


$ pear list-upgrades
Channel pear.php.net: No upgrades available
pear.phpunit.de Available Upgrades (stable):
Channel         Package            Local           Remote          Size
pear.phpunit.de PHPUnit            3.6.12 (stable) 3.7.10 (stable) 115kB
pear.phpunit.de PHPUnit_MockObject 1.1.1 (stable)  1.2.2 (stable)  19.9kB
pear.phpunit.de PHPUnit_Selenium   1.2.8 (stable)  1.2.11 (stable) 38kB
pear.phpunit.de PHP_CodeCoverage   1.1.4 (stable)  1.2.7 (stable)  155kB
pear.phpunit.de PHP_TokenStream    1.1.4 (stable)  1.1.5 (stable)  9.7kB
pear.phpunit.de Text_Template      1.1.3 (stable)  1.1.4 (stable)  3.6kB


如果有人暗示可能导致 PEAR 无法将 phpunit 升级到可能的最新版本(使用 PEAR),将获得 100 分奖励.


There will be 100 points bounty for a person who will hint what can cause PEAR not be able to upgrade phpunit to the latest possible (using PEAR).


嗯,我用的是ubuntu lts 10.04,它有php 5.3.2版本.

Well, I use ubuntu lts 10.04, and it has php 5.3.2 version.

虽然 phpunit 3.7 依赖于 php >= 5.3.3(尽管它没有在任何地方明确显示)

While phpunit 3.7 depends on php >= 5.3.3 (though it's not shown explicitly anywhere)

这篇关于如何更新 phpunit?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何更新 phpunit?