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php fgetcsv - 字符集编码问题

php fgetcsv - charset encoding problems(php fgetcsv - 字符集编码问题)

本文介绍了php fgetcsv - 字符集编码问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用 PHP 5.3 fgetcsv 函数时,由于编码问题,我遇到了一些问题.请注意,该文件具有西班牙语特殊"拉丁字符,如图形重音 á、é、í ï 等...

Using PHP 5.3 fgetcsv function, I am experiencing some problems due to encoding matters. Note that that file has spanish "special" latin characters like graphic accents á, é, í ï, etc...

我得到的 CSV 文件导出了我在 MS 2008 for Mac Excel 文件中的一些结构化数据.

I get the CSV file exporting some structured data I have in an MS 2008 for Mac Excel file.

如果我用 Mac OS X TextEdit 应用程序打开它,一切似乎都很完美.

If I open it with Mac OS X TextEdit application, everything seems to go perfect.

但是当我开始使用 PHP 程序并尝试使用 fgetcsv PHP 函数读取 CSV 时,我无法正确读取字符集.

But when I get down to my PHP program and try to read the CSV using that fgetcsv PHP function, I am not getting it to read properly the charset.

 * @Route("/cvsLoad", name="_csv_load")
 * @Template()
public function cvsLoadAction(){
    //setlocale(LC_ALL, 'es_ES.UTF-8');
    $reader = new Reader($this->get('kernel')->getRootDir().'/../web/uploads/documents/question_images/2/41/masiva.csv');

    $i = 1;
    $r = array("hhh" => $reader -> getAll());

    return new Response(json_encode($r, 200));

如您所见,我还尝试使用 setlocalees_ES.UTF-8.但没有什么可以让它发挥作用.

As you can see, I have tried also to use a setlocale to es_ES.UTF-8. But nothing get it working.


public function getRow()
    if (($row = fgetcsv($this->_handle, 10000, $this->_delimiter)) !== false) {
        return $this->_headers ? array_combine($this->_headers, $row) : $row;
    } else {
        return false;

看看每行读取后我在 $row 变量中得到了什么:

See what I get in the $row variable after each row reading:

那些 ? 字符应该是带有图形重音的元音.

Those ? characters are supposed to be vowels with graphic accents on them.

那边有什么线索吗?如果我使用 MS Excel for Windows 会起作用吗?如何在运行时知道文件的确切编码并在读取之前进行设置?

Any clue over there? Would it work if I used MS Excel for Windows? How can I know in run time the exact encoding of the file and set it before reading it?


(For those spanish speakers, don't get frightened with such awful medical stuff in those texts ;)).



function convert( $str ) {
    return iconv( "Windows-1252", "UTF-8", $str );

public function getRow()
    if (($row = fgetcsv($this->_handle, 10000, $this->_delimiter)) !== false) {
        $row = array_map( "convert", $row );
        return $this->_headers ? array_combine($this->_headers, $row) : $row;
    } else {
        return false;

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本文标题为:php fgetcsv - 字符集编码问题