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PHP 中的基本 URL

Base URL in PHP(PHP 中的基本 URL)

本文介绍了PHP 中的基本 URL的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've got a bit of a dilemma, and it's been bothering me for quite some time. I have a local testing server that's set up like so:


My website in offline mode looks like this:


My live version of the website looks like this:



I've got the base script for almost all of the links, except for the including header and footer files.


The links in the footer and header files work except for the home page (on the root of the website).

谁能将我重定向到为离线和在线进行多子目录基础 URL 链接的正确方法?

Could anyone redirect me to a proper method of doing multi sub directory base URL linking for both offline and online?

我已经修改了大部分 $_SERVER[] 标记和属性,以及 parse_url().

I’ve tinkered around with most of the $_SERVER[] tags and attributes, as well as parse_url().


我已经修改了大部分 $_SERVER[] 标签和属性,以及 parse_url().

I’ve tinkered around with most of the $_SERVER[] tags and attributes, as well as parse_url().

不要修补它们.没有干净/自动化的方式来做你正在做的事情.只需在配置文件中手动设置基本路径 &再也不用担心它——相对路径.而如果需要设置base URL,过程类似.

Don’t tinker with them. There’s no clean/automated way to do what you are doing. Just set a base path manually in a config file & don’t worry about it—relative paths—ever again. And if you need to set a base URL, the process is similar.

就文件基本路径而言,您应该像这样显式设置 $BASE_PATH:

So as far as a file base path goes, you should explicitly set a $BASE_PATH like this:

$BASE_PATH = '/full/path/to/your/codebase/here/';

如果您不知道您的文件系统基本路径是什么,只需将这行代码放在您的 PHP 代码中即可;比如 index.php:

If you don’t know what your file system base path is, just place this line of code in your PHP code; like index.php:

echo "Your path is: " . realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "<br />";


Then load that page. Somewhere near the top will be this text:


Your path is: /full/path/to/your/codebase/here/


Then with that set you can change your code to be something like this:

然后像这样设置你的 include_once:

And then set your include_once like this:

include_once $BASE_PATH  . 'includes/myfile.php';

有些人可能会说您应该直接使用 $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] 甚至 dirname(__FILE__) ,这意味着您可以通过这种方式简化代码可移植性.但是为安装设置文件路径的方式可能会有所不同,因此它永远无法正常工作&你被奇怪的服务器怪癖缠住的机会很高.

Some might say you should use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] or even dirname(__FILE__) directly with the implication being that you can simplify code portability that way. But the way file paths are set for installs can vary so it just never works well & the chances of you getting snagged on an odd server quirk is high.

当您移动代码时,最好只在配置文件中手动设置 $BASE_PATH,而不是处理像 $_SERVER 这样的 PHP 常量不存在而引起的头痛问题安装、设置和配置.

It’s always best to just to manually set a $BASE_PATH in a config file when you move code than deal with the headaches caused by PHP constants like $_SERVER not being consistent between installs, setups & configurations.

就基本 URL 而言,只要在本地开发设置中遵循相同的想法即可:

And as far as a base URL goes, just follow the same thinking with this being on your local development setup:

$BASE_URL = '/websitename/';


And this being on your production server:

$BASE_URL = '/';

所以设置了 $BASE_URL 然后你可以这样做:

So with that $BASE_URL set then you can just do this:


I’ve got the base script for almost all of the links, except for the including header and footer files.

现在只需在您可能需要通过带有 $BASE_URL 的 URL 请求的任何路径之前添加 &你应该很高兴.

Now just prepend any path you might need requested via a URL with $BASE_URL & you should be good to go.

这篇关于PHP 中的基本 URL的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:PHP 中的基本 URL