Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 400 seconds exceeded(致命错误:超过 400 秒的最大执行时间)
我有一个 PHP 脚本在执行较长的 mysq_query 时失败.错误信息是:
I have a PHP script that fails when executing a long mysq_query. The error message is:
致命错误:超过 400 秒的最大执行时间......
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 400 seconds exceeded in....
我在 Windows 上使用 XAMPP,并且我更改了 php.ini 文件(我的安装中只有一个),将 max_execution_time 设置为一个不是 400 秒的大值.尽管如此,我还是不断收到上面的错误消息....
I use XAMPP for windows and I have changed the php.ini file (there is only one in my installation), setting max_execution_time to a large value that is not 400 seconds. Nevertheless I keep getting the error message above....
Any idea of how to solve this?
正如 Ignacio 所说,某些东西可能会覆盖 php.ini 设置.您可以使用 set_time_limit
As Ignacio says, something may be overriding the php.ini setting. You can definitively set the timeout for that script using set_time_limit
您也可以将其设置为 0,这将消除任何时间限制 - 尽管这不是最佳做法.
You can also set it to 0, which removes any time restriction - although this is not best practice.
400 秒对于查询来说是一个巨大的时间 - 您是否考虑过在数据库中的常用列上添加索引?
400 seconds is a huge amount of time for a query - have you looked into adding indexes on commonly used columns in your db?
这篇关于致命错误:超过 400 秒的最大执行时间的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:致命错误:超过 400 秒的最大执行时间

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