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Symfony/Doctrine: Unserialize in action vs template(Symfony/Doctrine:反序列化在行动与模板)




Can anyone tell me why calling "unserialize" works fine in an action but gives an offset error in a template?


It's basically possible to unserialize a database text result into a variable in an action and pass it to template, in which case it displays fine:

$this->clean = unserialize($this->raw);
<?php echo $clean ?>


But not if called directly in a template:

<?php echo unserialize($raw) ?>


Would be interested in knowing why this is so and whether there's some workaround.



Symfony 将所有模板变量放入一个 sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator 类.所以当你编写 unserialize($var) 时,实际上是在尝试对 sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator 类进行反序列化.

Symfony puts all template variables into a sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator class. So when you write unserialize($var), you are actually trying to unserialize the sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator class.

我建议在 settings.yml 中关闭输出转义:

I recommend turning off output escaping in settings.yml:

escaping_strategy:     false

这是 Symfony 中一个愚蠢的、破坏性能的、不必要的功能,需要被扼杀.

It is a stupid, performance-slaughtering, unnecessary feature of Symfony that needs murdered.


如果您关闭 escaping_strategy,您将需要使用 htmlSpecialCharacters() 手动转义用户的输入(以防止 XSS).

If you turn off escaping_strategy, you will need to manually escape input from the users (to prevent XSS) with htmlSpecialCharacters().

Symfony 类会为您做到这一点,但这意味着它还会转义每一个数字和字符——您已经知道其中 99% 是安全的(ID、日期、您自己的内容).当我关闭自动转义时,我的服务器负载明显下降.

The Symfony class does that for you, but that means it also escapes every single number and character -- 99% of which you already know will be safe (IDs, dates, your own content). When I turned off the automatic escaping, my server load fell significantly.

请记住,如果您将 sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator 传递给部分,Symfony 双重应用这种自动转义,这意味着 > 将变为 <代码>&amp;gt;

Keep in mind that Symfony double-applies this automatic escaping if you pass a sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator to a partial, meaning > will become &amp;gt;

