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PHP 使用 LDAP 进行身份验证

PHP authenticating with LDAP(PHP 使用 LDAP 进行身份验证)

本文介绍了PHP 使用 LDAP 进行身份验证的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我对 PHP 和 LDAP 还比较陌生,我需要让一个页面只有经过身份验证的用户才能访问.

I'm relatively new to PHP and even more to LDAP and I need to make one page accessible only to authenticated users.


All I got working is the following command on console:

$ ldapsearch -b 'dc=ut,dc=ee' -D 'uid=USER,ou=People,dc=ut,dc=ee' -x -w 'PASSWORD' 'uid=USER' 'description'

到目前为止,我已经使用 ldap_connect 成功连接,并确定它使用的是协议版本 3.我玩过 ldap_search 和 ldap_bind,但所有尝试均不成功.我开始认为这是因为 -x 和 -w 选项.或者可能是因为 LDAP 仍然让我很困惑.

So far I've successfully connected using ldap_connect and determined that it's using protocol version 3. I have played around with ldap_search and ldap_bind, but all the attempts are unsuccessful. I'm beginning to think it's because of the -x and -w options. Or maybe because LDAP is still really confusing to me.


Any hints will be deeply, deeply appreciated!


$username = 'user';
$password = 'passwd';
$account_suffix = '@example.com';
$hostname = 'ldap.example.com';

$con =  ldap_connect($hostname);
if (!is_resource($con)) trigger_error("Unable to connect to $hostname",E_USER_WARNING);
ldap_set_option($con, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_set_option($con, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);

if (ldap_bind($con,$username . $account_suffix, $password))
    // Logged in

要使用安全连接,您可以在此处查看我的帖子:使用 PHP 安全绑定到 Active Directory 的问题 - 我的代码应该在大多数系统上都有效.

To utilize a secure connection, you can have a look at my post here: Problems with secure bind to Active Directory using PHP - my code should be valid on most systems.

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本文标题为:PHP 使用 LDAP 进行身份验证