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未捕获的错误“找不到类"在 Laravel 5.8 中

Uncaught Error quot;Class not foundquot; in Laravel 5.8(未捕获的错误“找不到类在 Laravel 5.8 中)

本文介绍了未捕获的错误“找不到类"在 Laravel 5.8 中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to call my model file from another folder. I have provided both of these file structure.


未捕获的错误:在/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/pro/app/Scr​​ipts/Providers/1/Scrape.php:17 中找不到类AppModelsProviders"

Uncaught Error: Class 'AppModelsProviders' not found in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/pro/app/Scripts/Providers/1/Scrape.php:17


I am calling the model file from a script folder located :



In this class I have the below :

namespace AppScriptsProviders1;
use AppModels;




Within this file I have the below:

namespace AppModels;

use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;


I have not shared the full content that I have in both of these files. If you would like to see the full content of these files please let me know.

这就是 Scrape.php 的样子

This is how the Scrape.php looks like

namespace AppScriptsProviders1;
use AppModelsProviders;

class Scrape {
    public function __construct() {
        $test = new AppModelsProviders();
        die(print_r($test, true));

$obj = new Scrape();



You can't have a namespace that starts with a number.



A valid variable name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores



namespace AppScriptsProviders1



From that point forward, all bets are off.

首先,将您的命名空间更改为有效的标识符(我建议您选择比 数字 更合理和可识别的名称,您可以使用描述性名称,而这只是 没有理由 不):

First, change your namespace to a valid identifier (and I would advise choosing something more reasonable and recognizable than numbers, you can have descriptive names and there is simply no reason not to):

namespace AppScriptsProvidersGroupWhatever


Logically, you'll have to rename the folder where this file resides. It used to be




(在这两种情况下,将 GroupWhatever 替换为对您的应用程序和域有意义的内容).

(In both cases, replace GroupWhatever with something that makes sense for your application and domain).

从那时起,如果 AppModelsProviders 类存在于 app/Models/Providers.php 中,它应该可以工作.

From that point forward, if the class AppModelsProviders exists at app/Models/Providers.php, it should work.

可能存在的另一个问题是不太清楚 Scripts/Scrape.php 是什么或如何调用它.

Another problem that there could exist, is that is not very clear what Scripts/Scrape.php is or how is it called.

如果你在 Laravel 中通过调用 Laravel 控制器或控制台应用程序执行 Scrape.php,这应该可以工作.

This should work if you are executing Scrape.php from within Laravel, by calling a Laravel controller or console application.

如果您直接调用此脚本(例如通过执行 php app/Scr​​ipts/Providers/1/Scrape.php(或更正后的 app/Scr​​ipts/Providers/GroupWhatever/Scrape.php) 这根本行不通,因为自动加载逻辑根本没有运行.

If you are calling this script directly (e.g. by executing php app/Scripts/Providers/1/Scrape.php (or the corrected app/Scripts/Providers/GroupWhatever/Scrape.php) this simply won't work, since the autoloading logic is not run at all.

如果您手动执行脚本,除了上述更改,您还需要包含 composer autoload 脚本,该脚本位于 vendor/autoload.php.

If you are executing your script manually, on top of the above changes you need to include composer autoload script, which is located at vendor/autoload.php.

基本上,将此行添加到 Scrape.php 顶部附近:

Basically, add this line close to the top of your Scrape.php:

require_once dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';

(我想我放置了适当数量的 go-up-one-dir 路径段,但请确保它与安装中的正确路径匹配).

(I think I put the appropriate amount of go-up-one-dir path-segments, but you make sure it matches the correct path in your installation).


Once that is in place, the autoloader will be run, and classes will be found.

这篇关于未捕获的错误“找不到类"在 Laravel 5.8 中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:未捕获的错误“找不到类"在 Laravel 5.8 中