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将数据插入到 Laravel 中的数据透视表

Insert data to a pivot table in laravel(将数据插入到 Laravel 中的数据透视表)

本文介绍了将数据插入到 Laravel 中的数据透视表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有 3 个表:poststagspost_tag.

I have 3 tables: posts, tags, post_tag.

每个Post 都有很多标签,所以我对它们使用 hasMany 方法.但是,当我在下拉列表中选择例如 3 个标签时,我无法将它们添加到 post_tag,因此我无法选择和显示每个帖子的标签.

Each Post has many tags so I use hasMany method for them. But when I choose for example 3 tags in my dropdown list, I can't add them to post_tag and as the result I can't select and show each post's tags.


 class Post extends Eloquent{
 public function tag()
           return  $this->hasMany('Tag');


class Tag extends Eloquent{
 public function post()
           return  $this->belongsToMany('Post');



class postController extends BaseController{

public function addPost(){

    $post=new Post;



我希望将此 post_id 保存到 post_tag 表及其标签 ID,但它不起作用.感谢您抽出宝贵时间.

I expect to save this post_id save to post_tag table with its tag ids, but it doesn't work. Thanks for your time.



You have a basic idea right, but there are a few issues with your code. Some are stopping it from working and some are just conventional issues.

首先,这是一个 belongsTomany 关系(你有一个数据透视表)所以你必须将关系的两边定义为 belongsToMany(即使 hasMany 是您考虑其中一侧或两侧的方式).这是因为 Laravel 期望具有两种不同关系类型的特定数据库结构.

First off, this is a belongsTomany relationship (you have a pivot table) so you must define both sides of the relationship as belongsToMany (even if hasMany is the way you think about one or both of the side of it). This is because Laravel expects a certain database structure with the two different relationship types.

另一个问题(您自己发现的)是您在实际保存帖子之前将标签添加到关系中(通过 ->tag()->sync(). 你必须先保存帖子(这样 Laravel 才知道要为 post_id 添加到数据透视表中的 ID)然后添加关系.如果你担心标签部分失败然后有不一致的数据库你应该使用事务.

Another issue (that you found yourself) is that you are adding the tags to the relation (via ->tag()->sync() before you've actually saved the post. You must first save the post (so that laravel knows what ID to add to the pivot table for post_id) and then add the relations. If you are worried about the tags part failing and then having an inconsistent database you should use transactions.

最后,您遇到的约定"错误是多对多关系,根据定义,涉及结果集合.因此,tagpost 应该分别是 tagsposts.

Finally, the 'convention' errors you have is that a belongs-to-many relationship, by definition, involves collections of results. As such, tag and post shoudl be tags and posts respectively.


So here's my rewritten version of your code:

class Post extends Eloquent
    public function tags()
        return $this->belongsToMany('Tag');

class Tag extends Eloquent
    public function posts()
        return $this->belongsToMany('Post');

class PostController extends BaseController
    public function addPost()
        // assume it won't work
        $success = false;


        try {
            $post = new Post;

            // maybe some validation here...

            $post->title = Input::get('post_title');
            $post->content = Input::get('post_content');

            if ($post->save()) {
                $tag_ids = Input::get('tags');
                $success = true;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // maybe log this exception, but basically it's just here so we can rollback if we get a surprise

        if ($success) {
            return Redirect::back()->withSuccessMessage('Post saved');
        } else {
            return Redirect::back()->withErrorMessage('Something went wrong');


Now a lot of that controller code centres around the transaction stuff - if you don't care too much about that then you're all good to remove it. Also there are several ways to do that transaction stuff - I've gone with one that's not ideal but gets the point across in a minimal amount of code.

这篇关于将数据插入到 Laravel 中的数据透视表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:将数据插入到 Laravel 中的数据透视表