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如何将 Laravel Query Builder 结果作为整数获取

How to get Laravel Query Builder result as integer(如何将 Laravel Query Builder 结果作为整数获取)

本文介绍了如何将 Laravel Query Builder 结果作为整数获取的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用 Laravel Query Builder 查询 MySQL 数据库,但它返回整数值作为字符串值.

I'm using Laravel Query Builder to query MySQL database but it returns integer values as string values.


$query = DB::table('store_products')->select('products.id', 'products.name', 'products.unit_type', 'products.price', 'products.image_path', 'products.is_popular', 'store_products.price AS store_price')
           ->join('products', 'products.id', '=', 'store_products.product_id')
           ->join('product_categories', 'product_categories.product_id', '=', 'store_products.product_id')
           ->where('store_products.store_id', $store_id)
           ->where('store_products.product_id', $product_id);

此处查询获取存在于 Store_Products 中的 Product,用于给定 store_id.

Here the query gets Product which is existing in Store_Products for given store_id.

问题是,当我使用查询生成器时,它返回 id(这是产品的主键)作为 string.演员表好像有问题.

The problem is, it returns id (which is the Primary Key for Product) as string when I use Query Builder. Looks like there is something wrong with casts.


How can I solve this problem?



强制转换不是解决方案,而是解决问题的方法.您的实际问题是缺少 mysqlnd 插件.

Casting is not a solution but a workaround to the problem. Your actual problem is missing mysqlnd plugin.


$ sudo dpkg -l | grep 'mysqlnd'


If it's not installed, you need to install it like so (assuming you have php5)

$ sudo apt-get install php5-mysqlnd

这些命令适用于 ubuntu.如果您还有其他东西,只需将它们转换为您合适的操作系统即可.

These commands are for ubuntu. If you have something else, just convert them to your appropriate OS.

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本文标题为:如何将 Laravel Query Builder 结果作为整数获取