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Laravel 在同一个表中返回父母的孩子

Laravel returning children of parents in same table(Laravel 在同一个表中返回父母的孩子)

本文介绍了Laravel 在同一个表中返回父母的孩子的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用 Laravel 5.1,我尝试从 MySQL 类别表创建菜单列表.我的服务提供者返回数据,但我不明白如何在 foreach 循环中创建子类别.当我执行循环时,只返回子查询的最后一行.任何指导将不胜感激.

Using Laravel 5.1, I am trying to create a menu list from a MySQL categories table. My service provider returns data, but I don't understand how to create the child categories in a foreach loop. When I perform the loop, only the last row of the child query is returned. Any guidance would be appreciated.


id  | cat_name      | cat_parent_id
--- | --------------| ------------- 
1   | Parent Cat 1  | NULL 
2   | Parent Cat 2  | NULL 
3   | Child Cat 1   | 2 
4   | Child Cat 2   | 2 
5   | Parent Cat 3  | NULL 
6   | Child Cat 3   | 5


Parent Cat 1
Parent Cat 2
    Child Cat 1
    Child Cat 2
Parent Cat 3
    Child Cat 3


public function boot()

private function composeTopCategoryNavigation()
    view()->composer('partials.header', function($view)
            $view->with('top_cats', Category::whereNull('cat_parent_id')->orderBy('cat_name', 'asc')->get());

private function composeSubCategoryNavigation()
        view()->composer('partials.header', function($view)
            $view->with('sub_cats', Category::whereNotNull('cat_parent_id')->orderBy('cat_name', 'asc')->get());


@foreach ($top_cats as $top_cat)
  <?php $top_cat_slug = str_slug( $top_cat->cat_name, "-"); ?>
  <li>{{ $top_cat->cat_name }}
    @foreach ($sub_cats as $sub_cat)
            @if ( $sub_cat->cat_parent_id === $top_cat->id )
                  <li{{ $sub_cat->cat_name }}</li>


首先,你的做法是低效的.您的视图遍历每个父类别的所有子类别.如果您正确定义关系并利用 Eloquent 的预先加载,您可以更轻松地获取和访问子类别.

First of all, what you are doing is inefficient. Your view iterates through all subcategories for every parent category. If you defined relations properly and made use of Eloquent's eager loading, you could fetch and access child categories in easier way.


class Category extends Model {
  //each category might have one parent
  public function parent() {
    return $this->belongsToOne(static::class, 'cat_parent_id');

  //each category might have multiple children
  public function children() {
    return $this->hasMany(static::class, 'cat_parent_id')->orderBy('cat_name', 'asc');


Once you have the relations defined properly, you can fetch whole category tree like below:

view()->composer('partials.header', function($view) {
  $view->with('categories', Category::with('children')->whereNull('cat_parent_id')->orderBy('cat_name', 'asc')->get());


The second composer won't be needed, as parent categories already contain children.


Now, you only need to display the categories in your view:

  @foreach ($categories as $parent)
    <li>{{ $parent->cat_name }}
      @if ($parent->children->count())
          @foreach ($parent->children as $child)
            <li>{{ $child->cat_name }}</li>

这篇关于Laravel 在同一个表中返回父母的孩子的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:Laravel 在同一个表中返回父母的孩子