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how to get dynamic URL like mydomain.com/username using zend framework(如何使用zend框架获取像mydomain.com/username这样的动态URL)



我正在使用 zend 框架开发应用程序.在应用程序中,我必须为每个用户提供一个 URL,例如 mydomain.com/[username] 然后 public 将能够查看他的个人资料.[username] 是特定用户的用户名

I am developing an application using zend framework. In the application I have to provide a URL for each user like mydomain.com/[username] then public will be able to view his profile. [username] is the username of the particular user

但是我怎样才能做到这一点?我认为在 ZF mydomain.com/username 中尝试获取名称为 username 的控制器,但我应该在此 URL 中显示用户配置文件,并且如果其他内容如 mydomain.com 出现,它必须转到正确的控制器/控制器1

But how can I achieve this ? I think in ZF mydomain.com/username tries to get the controller with name username, but I should show user profiles in this URL and it must goes to the right controller if something else comein like mydomain.com/controller1



This seems to come up quite a bit, there are a few options:

选项 1:自定义路由类

我已经发表了一篇博客文章,其中详细介绍了如何使用自定义路由类在 ZF 中实现此目的,请参阅:

I've put up a blog post with a detailed example of how to achieve this in ZF using a custom route class, see:


这可能不是最简单的方法,但在我看来这是最好的方法,因为它允许您像其他任何方法一样设置用户名路由,并且您仍然可以使用标准的 ZF URL 帮助程序和其他路由工具.

This might not be the simplest approach, but in my opinion it is the best, as it allows you to setup a username route like any other, and you can still use the standard ZF URL helpers and other routing toys.

选项 2:扩展路由器

另一种方法是扩展标准 ZF 路由器,然后在做任何其他事情之前检查用户名路由.类似的东西:

Another approach is to extend the standard ZF router and then check for a username route before doing anything else. Something like:

class My_Router extends Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
    public function route(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
        $pathBits = explode('/', $request->getPathInfo());
        if (!empty($pathBits[0])) {
            // check whether $pathBits[0] is a username here
            // with a database lookup, if yes, set params and return

        // fallback on the standard ZF router
        return parent::route($request);


You then need to tell the front controller to use your router instead of the default one, so in your bootstrap:

protected function _initRoutes()
    Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->setRouter(new My_Router());


replace 'My' with your application's own namespace.

如果你采用这种方法,你就不能为你的用户名路由使用 URL 助手,如果你开始需要添加其他自定义功能,事情会变得有点混乱,所以改用自定义路由类.

If you follow this approach you can't use the URL helper for your username routes, and things can become a bit messy if you start needing to add other custom functionality, so go with the custom route class instead.

