PHP CLI - get user input while still doing things in background(PHP CLI - 在后台执行操作的同时获取用户输入)
我正在开发一款用 PHP 编写并在控制台中运行的游戏.回想一下旧的 MUD 和其他基于文本的游戏,甚至是一些 ASCII 艺术!
I'm working on a game, written in PHP and that runs in a console. Think back to old MUDs and other text-based games, even some ASCII art!
Anyway, what I'm trying to do is have things happening while also accepting user input.
例如,假设这是一场两人游戏,玩家 1 正在等待玩家 2 采取行动.只需侦听消息即可轻松完成此操作.
For instance, let's say it's a two player game and Player 1 is waiting for Player 2 to make a move. This is easily done by just listening for a message.
但是如果玩家 1 想要改变一些选项怎么办?如果他们想查看游戏状态方面的详细信息怎么办?输球又如何?在等待对手采取行动时,玩家可能想做很多事情.
But what if Player 1 wants to change some options? What if they want to view details on aspects of the game state? What about conceding the game? There are many things a Player may want to do while waiting for their opponent to make a move.
不幸的是,我现在拥有的最好的东西是 Ctrl+C 完全杀死了程序.然后另一个玩家被挂起,直到连接断开.哦,游戏彻底输了.
Unfortunately the best I have right now is the fact that Ctrl+C completely kills the program. The other player is then left hanging, until the connection is dropped. Oh, and the game is completely lost.
我使用 fgets(STDIN)
I get user input with fgets(STDIN)
. But this blocks execution until input has been received (which is usually a good thing).
Is it even possible for a console program like this to handle input and output simultaneously? Or should I just look at some other interface?
抱歉 Matthew,我将不得不取消接受您的答案,因为我自己找到了:
Sorry Matthew, I'm going to have to un-accept your answer, because I have found it myself:
Use the following code to receive user input while still doing something else:
while(/* some condition that the code running is waiting on */) {
// perform one step or iteration of that code
exec("choice /N /C ___ /D _ /T _",$out,$ret);
// /C is a list of letters that do something
// /D is the default action that will be used as a no-op
// /T is the amount of time to wait, probably best set to one second
switch($ret) {
// handle cases - the "default" case should be "continue 2"
This can then be used to interrupt the loop and enter an options menu, or trigger some other event, or could even be used to type out a command if used right.
这篇关于PHP CLI - 在后台执行操作的同时获取用户输入的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:PHP CLI - 在后台执行操作的同时获取用户输入
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