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How to paginate query results for Infinite Scroll?(如何为无限滚动的查询结果分页?)



我有一个使用 2 个 PHP 文件和一个 MySql 数据库的示例页面,我正在尝试在其上使用 jQuery 无限滚动.如何从数据库加载下一组数据?例如,我的图片数据库中有 100 条记录,我想显示 20 条,然后滚动显示下 20 条.

I have a sample page that uses 2 PHP files and a MySql database, and I'm trying to use jQuery infinite scroll on it. How can I load the next group of data from database? For example, I have 100 records in my pictures database, and I want to show 20, and then the next 20 after some scrolling.





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     <h1>cos tam ....</h1>
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     // Make a MySQL Connection
     mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error());
     mysql_select_db("test") or die(mysql_error());

     // Retrieve all the data from the "test " table
     $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM foto")
     or die(mysql_error());  

     // store the records of the "TABLENAME" table into $row array and loop through
     while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) {

     // Print out the contents of the entry 

     //echo "details: ".$row['id'];
     echo '<div class="box photo col3">';
     echo "<img src="Ii4kcm93Ww=="src']."" alt="d3d3d3d3" />";
     echo '</div>';
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         $container.imagesLoaded( function(){
             itemSelector : '.box'

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您需要将 LIMIT 添加到您的查询中.MySQL 手册中的示例:

SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5,10; # Retrieve rows 6-15

Here, 5 is the starting offset, and 10 is the amount of rows you want to fetch.

这里,5 是起始偏移量,10 是您要获取的行数.

For the client-side you'll need the infinite scroll jQuery plugin.

