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Programmatically add product to cart with price change(以编程方式将产品添加到购物车并更改价格)




I want to add a product to cart programmatically. Also, I want to change the product price when added to cart.

假设我的产品价格是 100 美元.我想在添加到购物车时将其更改为 90 美元.

Suppose, my product's price is $100. I wanted to change it to $90 when added to cart.


I added product to cart. However, I am unable to change the product price.



Here is the code to add product to cart:-

$cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart');

try {   
    $cart->addProduct($product, array('qty' => 1));
catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();


深入 Magento 的核心代码后,我发现你需要使用 $item->getProduct()->setIsSuperMode(true) 以使 $item->setCustomPrice()$item->setOriginalPrice() 工作.

After digging a bit into Magento's core code, I found that you need to use $item->getProduct()->setIsSuperMode(true) in order to make $item->setCustomPrice() and $item->setOriginalPrice() work.

这里有一些示例代码,您可以在监听 checkout_cart_product_add_aftercheckout_cart_update_items_after 事件的观察者中使用.代码在逻辑上是相同的,除了 checkout_cart_product_add_after 只为一件商品调用,checkout_cart_update_items_after 为购物车中的所有商品调用.此代码仅作为示例被分离/复制为 2 个方法.

Here is some sample code you can use within an Observer that listens for the checkout_cart_product_add_after or checkout_cart_update_items_after events. The code is logically the same except checkout_cart_product_add_after is called for only one item and checkout_cart_update_items_after is called for all items in the cart. This code is separated/duplicated into 2 methods only as an example.

 * @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
public function applyDiscount(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
    /* @var $item Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item */
    $item = $observer->getQuoteItem();
    if ($item->getParentItem()) {
        $item = $item->getParentItem();

    // Discounted 25% off
    $percentDiscount = 0.25; 

    // This makes sure the discount isn't applied over and over when refreshing
    $specialPrice = $item->getOriginalPrice() - ($item->getOriginalPrice() * $percentDiscount);

    // Make sure we don't have a negative
    if ($specialPrice > 0) {


 * @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
public function applyDiscounts(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
    foreach ($observer->getCart()->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() as $item /* @var $item Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item */) {
         if ($item->getParentItem()) {
             $item = $item->getParentItem();

         // Discounted 25% off
         $percentDiscount = 0.25; 

         // This makes sure the discount isn't applied over and over when refreshing
         $specialPrice = $item->getOriginalPrice() - ($item->getOriginalPrice() * $percentDiscount);

         // Make sure we don't have a negative
         if ($specialPrice > 0) {

