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Laravel 5.8 显示“419 页面已过期"从已清除的会

Laravel 5.8 showing quot;419 Page Expiredquot; after clicking logout from an already cleared session(Laravel 5.8 显示“419 页面已过期从已清除的会话中单击注销后)

本文介绍了Laravel 5.8 显示“419 页面已过期"从已清除的会话中单击注销后的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我运行了 php artisan make:auth 命令,然后我会一步步解释我接下来要做什么来理解场景,

I run the php artisan make:auth command and I will explain step by step what I do after that to understand the scenario,

  • 登录新会话 (example.com/home)
  • 打开一个新标签并粘贴网址,即 example.com/home.
  • 现在 2 个标签页在同一个会话中打开.
  • 我从其中一个选项卡中单击了注销,它运行良好
  • 然后,当我尝试从另一个选项卡注销时,它给我一个错误消息,提示419 页面已过期",即使重新加载后它也无处可去.


The thing is, these kind of scenarios may arise, and I don't want to see this error message, just logout after clicking logout, even if the session is expired.




Well that's an obvious message you can maybe try to make a better layout for that page, but still it is good to show it so the user knows what happened. If you want to handle it differently you can try to redirect to the login page.

因此在您的 appExceptionsHandler.php 文件中的 render 方法中添加:

So in your appExceptionsHandler.php file within the render method add this:

if ($exception instanceof IlluminateSessionTokenMismatchException) {
    return redirect()->route('login');

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本文标题为:Laravel 5.8 显示“419 页面已过期"从已清除的会