Best way to save data to iOS?(将数据保存到 iOS 的最佳方法?)
在我的应用程序 (iOS 5) 中,我想保存数据 - 我想节省债务.所以它:
In my application (iOS 5) I want to save data - I want to save debts. So its:
- 加或减钱
- 金额
- 以及欠债的姓名(或欠债的姓名)
但我不知道如何保存数据(NSUserdefaults、Core data、SQLLite)
But I don't how to save the data (NSUserdefaults,Core data, SQLLite)
Maybe you can tell me the best way to save them?
在设备上存储少量数据的最简单方法是使用 NSUserDefaults.但只能以这种方式保存属性列表.属性列表是 6 种类型的对象的组合,NSNumber、NSString、NSArray、NSDictionary、NSDate、NSData.在您的情况下,这很容易做到.例如,要保存新的债务记录,您可以使用以下方法:
The easiest way to store small amount of data on your device is to use NSUserDefaults. But only property lists could be saved in this way. A property list is a combination of objects of 6 types, NSNumber, NSString, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSDate, NSData. In your case it's easy to do. For example, to save a new debt record you can use following method:
#define DEBTS_LIST_KEY @"listOfAllDebts"
#define DEBTOR_NAME_KEY @"debtorName"
#define DEBT_AMOUNT_KEY @"amountOfDebt"
-(void) saveDebt:(CGFloat) debtAmount forName:(NSString *) debtorName
// pointer to standart user defaults
NSUserDefaults * defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
// the mutalbe array of all debts
NSMutableArray * alldebtRecords = [[defaults objectForKey:DEBTS_LIST_KEY] mutableCopy];
// create new record
// to save CGFloat you need to wrap it into NSNumber
NSNumber * amount = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:debtAmount];
NSDictionary * newRecord = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:amount,debtorName, nil] forKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:DEBT_AMOUNT_KEY, DEBTOR_NAME_KEY, nil]];
[alldebtRecords addObject:newRecord];
[defaults setObject:alldebtRecords forKey:DEBTS_LIST_KEY];
// do not forget to save changes
[defaults synchronize];
To readList of debts you have read something similar.
But I recommend you to use core data. It's more flexible and you won't have to write all this code to manage your data (to edit existed records, or to delete them). You will be able to extend your model much easier, for example, when you want to save the date of the debt. This is the link to a good tutorial
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本文标题为:将数据保存到 iOS 的最佳方法?
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