CvCaptureFromAVI problems - OpenCV Android(CvCaptureFromAVI 问题 - OpenCV Android)
I need to capture frame by frame from a video stored in my sd card of the Android device (in this case my emulator). I am using Android and OpenCV through NDK. I pushed manually the file "SinglePerson.avi" inside the sdcard through file explorer of DDBS (eclipse) and I used the code below to read the file:
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_opencv_samples_tutorial4_Sample4Mixed_VideoProcessing(JNIEnv*, jobject)
LOGI("INSIDE VideoProcessing ");
CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromAVI("/mnt/sdcard/SinglePerson.avi");
IplImage* img = 0;
if(!cvGrabFrame(capture)){ // capture a frame
LOGI("Inside the if");
printf("Could not grab a frame
img=cvRetrieveFrame(capture);// retrieve the captured frame
The problem is that cvGrabFrame(capture) results always false. Any suggestion to correctly open the video and grab the frames? Thanks in advance
The behavior you are observing is probably due to cvCaptureFromAVI()
failing. You need to start coding safely and check the return of the calls you make:
CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromAVI("/mnt/sdcard/SinglePerson.avi");
if (!capture)
printf("!!! Failed to open video
This function usually fails for 2 reasons:
- When it's unable to access the file (due to wrong filesystem permissions);
- Missing codecs on the system (or the video format is not supported by OpenCV).
If you are new to OpenCV, I suggest you test your OpenCV code on a desktop (PC) first.
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本文标题为:CvCaptureFromAVI 问题 - OpenCV Android
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