How to get APK signing signature?(如何获取 APK 签名签名?)
有没有办法检索用于签署 APK 的密钥的签名?我用我的密钥库中的密钥签署了我的 APK.如何以编程方式检索它?
Is there a way to retrieve the signature of the key used to sign an APK? I signed my APK with my key from my keystore. How can I retrieve it programmatically?
你可以像这样使用 PackageManager 类访问 APK 的签名签名
You can access the APK's signing signature like this using the PackageManager class
Signature[] sigs = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES).signatures;
for (Signature sig : sigs)
Trace.i("MyApp", "Signature hashcode : " + sig.hashCode());
我已使用它与我的调试密钥的哈希码进行比较,以识别 APK 是调试 APK 还是发布 APK.
I've used this to compare with the hashcode for my debug key, as a way to identify whether the APK is a debug APK or a release APK.
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本文标题为:如何获取 APK 签名签名?

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