Good resources for learning Objective-C(学习 Objective-C 的好资源)
我从事 Java 开发已有多年,主要针对 Linux 和 Windows.在我的本科和研究生学习期间,我也做了很多 C 和 C++ 方面的工作.我最近(过去一年半)开始在家里主要使用 Apple 电脑,并且有兴趣探索他们的 Xcode 开发环境.我有兴趣学习如何使用 Cocoa 接口等.但是,我对 Objective-C 一无所知(或几乎一无所知).我知道它是 C 的纯超集,但是我对一些学习它的资源感兴趣.
I have developed for a number of years in Java, primarily for Linux and Windows. During my undergrad and grad school times, I also did quite a bit in C and C++. I have recently (in the last year and a half) started using primarily Apple computers at home, and am interested in exploring their Xcode development environment. I am interested in learning how to use the Cocoa interface, etc. However, I know nothing (or next to nothing) about Objective-C. I am aware it is a pure superset of C, however I am interested in some resources for learning it.
过去,为了自学 Swing for Java 的概念,我使用了 O'Reilly 的书籍,例如 Swing Bible、Marc Loy 等的 Java Swing.人.有没有类似的Objective-C书,或者真的很好学的书?如果它是相当技术性的,有示例等,我会更喜欢.有其他人尝试过以这种方式学习 Objective-C 吗?有什么需要特别注意的吗?
In the past, to teach myself concepts of Swing for Java, I have used O'Reilly books, such as the Swing Bible, Java Swing by Marc Loy et. al. Is there a similar book for Objective-C, or a book that is really good to learn from? I would prefer if it was fairly technical, had examples, etc. Has anyone else attempted to learn Objective-C this way? Are there any specific things I should look at?
请注意,是的,我确实有 K&R,我已经读过太多次了,我知道 C 语法.已经有一段时间了,但我确实记得很多.:) 我确实看到了 这个问题,但我没有看到任何特定的资源提到的,只是一些关于学习的一般性陈述.
Just to note, yes I do have K&R, I have read it too many times to count, and I am aware of C syntax. It has been a while, but I do remember large amounts of it. :) I did see this question, but I did not see any particular resources mentioned, simply some general statements about learning.
- Objective-C 编程中的概念 和 Cocoa 核心能力 - Apple 官方的语言和 Cocoa 框架基础文档.
- Mac OS X 的 Cocoa 编程 -可可新人的权威书籍.它实际上比 Objective-C 更关注 Cocoa 框架,但仍然非常宝贵.
- Objective-C 2.0 中的编程 - 专注于Objective-C 本身比 Cocoa 多;可能拥有比经验丰富的程序员所需的更多基本信息,但涵盖了很多好东西.
- 语言"部分 Matt Neuberg 的 iOS 6 编程 详细介绍了 Objective-C 本身.
- CocoaDevCentral - 优秀教程.从Learn ..."和Objective-C Style"教程开始.
- 斯坦福的免费 CS193E 和 CS193P 课程
- - 关于 Cocoa/Objective 的大量资源(书籍、网站和代码)列表-C.
- HyperJeff 的 Cocoa 文献列表 - 大量有用信息等的汇编.
- Cocoa With Love - 一个优秀的博客,包含具体、有用的片段和深入的解释.
- Cocoa 是我的女朋友 - 关于 Cocoa 的有趣且有用的博客(通常).
- Cocoa 程序员最佳实践(作者 Aaron Hillegass)-有点过时,但包含一些用于理解和遵循 Objective-C/Cocoa 约定的建议和指南
- wiki - 特别适用于有关特定课程或任务的特定问题.(正在进行更新.)
- Concepts in Objective-C Programming and Cocoa Core Compentencies - Apple's official basic documentation for the language and the Cocoa framework.
- Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X - The definitive book for Cocoa newcomers. It's actually focused on the Cocoa frameworks more than Objective-C, but still invaluable.
- Programming in Objective-C 2.0 - Focuses on Objective-C itself more than Cocoa; may have more basic information than an experienced programmer would need, but covers plenty of good stuff.
- The "Language" part of Matt Neuberg's Programming iOS 6 covers Objective-C itself in detail.
- CocoaDevCentral - Excellent tutorials. Start with the "Learn ..." and "Objective-C Style" tutorials.
- Stanford's free CS193E and CS193P courses
- - A large list of resources (books, website, and code) about Cocoa/Objective-C.
- HyperJeff's Cocoa Literature List - A huge compendium of useful information, etc.
- Cocoa With Love - An excellent blog with specific, useful snippets and in-depth explanation.
- Cocoa Is My Girlfriend - A fun and useful blog (usually) about Cocoa.
- Best Practices for Cocoa Programmers (by Aaron Hillegass) - A bit dated, but contains some nuggets and guidelines for understanding and following Objective-C/Cocoa conventions
- wiki - Especially good for specific questions about a specific class or task. (Undergoing updates.)
这篇关于学习 Objective-C 的好资源的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:学习 Objective-C 的好资源
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