如何“级联"UIImageView 中的图像模式?

How to quot;cascadequot; image pattern in UIImageView?(如何“级联UIImageView 中的图像模式?)

本文介绍了如何“级联"UIImageView 中的图像模式?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个想要在 UIImageView 中显示的图像模式.UIImageVIew 的大小由用户输入的文本决定,因此它的高度会发生变化.有没有办法级联"图像模式,以便它会重复 UIImageView 的整个高度?理论上,我可以在 Photoshop 中构建一个超高的图像,并希望图像视图不会超过某个点,但我知道拥有一个基本模式并重复它是实现它的聪明方法.但是,我在 Interface Builder 中找不到与此相关的任何内容.这可能吗,如果可以,我该如何实现?

I have an image pattern which I want to display in a UIImageView. The UIImageVIew's size is determined by user-entered text, so its height will change. Is there a way to "cascade" the image pattern, so that it will repeat down the entire height of the UIImageView? In theory I could build a super-tall image in Photoshop, and hope that the image view doesn't get extended past a certain point, but I know that having a basic pattern and repeating it is the smart way to do it. However, I can't find anything related to this in Interface Builder. Is this possible to do, and if so, how can I accomplish it?


你应该可以用一个普通的 UIView 来完成这个.从图像创建一个 UIColor(这会生成一个图案图像",可以平铺:

You should be able to accomplish this with a plain UIView. Create a UIColor from the image (this makes a "pattern image", which can be tiled:

UIColor *patternColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"pattern"]];


Then set the background color of the view like so:

view.backgroundColor = patternColor;

我会在视图控制器的 viewDidLoadviewWillAppear 方法中运行此代码.

I'd run this code in the viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear methods of the view's controller.

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本文标题为:如何“级联"UIImageView 中的图像模式?