What is Chipmunk? (Apart from being a Physics Engine)(什么是花栗鼠?(除了是一个物理引擎))
Hopefully, this question isn't a dumb as I fear it sounds, but it may still be pretty dumb.
我是 Objective-C 和 Cocoa 的新手.事实上,总的来说,我对 C 完全陌生.我正在尝试使用 Cocos2d-iPhone 实现 iPhone 游戏.这是我以前用 Flash 制作的游戏,所以我认为这将是一个很好的方法来学习 Objective C、cocoa 和 cocos2d.
I'm new to Objective-C, and Cocoa. In fact, I'm completely new to C in general. I'm trying to implement an iPhone game using Cocos2d-iPhone. It's a game I've made before in Flash, so I thought it would be a nice way to lean Objective C, cocoa and cocos2d.
我有一个大问题是理解为什么所有 Chipmunk代码看起来与所有普通的 Objective-C 东西都不一样.例如,有这样的东西
One thing I am having a big problem with is understanding why all the Chipmunk code looks different to all the normal Objective-C stuff. For example, there's stuff like
或者可能是 [[chipmunkBody position] x]
or maybe [[chipmunkBody position] x]
(bad example maybe).
这种一直在咬我的一种方法是使用 cpVect.cpVect 非常重要,但我一生都无法弄清楚如何传递它.CGPoint,没问题,我可以制作指针,在方法中传递它们等等,但第二次我使用 cpVect 代替,它是欢迎来到 Errorville,填充你".
One way this keeps on biting me in the ass is with cpVect. cpVect is pretty important, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to pass it around. CGPoint, no problem, I can make pointers, pass them around in methods and what not, but the second I use cpVect instead, it's "welcome to Errorville, population you".
这就是问题所在,Chipmunk 是什么,所以我可以开始了解有关使用它的更多信息.
So that's the question, what is Chipmunk, so I can start finding out more about working with it.
I haven't used Chipmunk, but it's probably written in C/C++. That's the reason.
是的,它是用 C 语言编写的.
Yup, it's written in C.
is a pointer to a struct, and the arrow operator (->
) is how you access the members of a struct through a pointer to the struct in C.
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