How to move water in iphone cocos2d?(如何在 iphone cocos2d 中移动水?)
我正在尝试创建一个与 iBeer 非常相似的应用程序我想填充 iphone来自虚拟水,可以摇晃它使其产生气泡吗?我试图搜索任何类似的代码示例,因为我对 cocos2d 很陌生,但我不能.我想知道我该怎么做?任何有用的链接?我必须使用花栗鼠或其他任何东西吗?
I am trying to create an application very similar to iBeer I want to fill iphone from virtual water and can shake it so it produce bubbles? I tried to search any similar example of code as I am very new to cocos2d but I can't. I wanna know how can I do this? Any helpful links? Do I have to use chipmunk or anything else?
Cocos 2D 主要用于展示 sprite 粒子和其他视觉效果
Cocos 2D mainly serves to display sprites particules and otehr visual effects
它的实际物理由 Chipmunk 处理.
The actual physics of it are handled by Chipmunk.
花栗鼠与其说是一个流体引擎,但只要有足够的小物体,你就可以近似于 iBeer 之类的东西.
chipmunk is not so much a fluid engine but given enough small objects you can aproximate something like iBeer.
I remember seeing a video demo of chipmunk that did it.
I'm never did something close to that with chipmunk but try asking on the offcial forum
他们帮了我很多,花栗鼠 (scott) 的作者非常积极和乐于助人.
they helped me out a lot and the author of chipmunk (scott) is very reactive and helpful.
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本文标题为:如何在 iphone cocos2d 中移动水?
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