How to move background images infinitely in iOS coco2d(如何在 iOS coco2d 中无限移动背景图像)
本文介绍了如何在 iOS coco2d 中无限移动背景图像的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
I have to move background images in iOS Coco2d but I am having a few difficulties. I have tried some solutions provided on some websites but have not been successful in getting them to work properly. Below is the code I am currently working on:-
The background moves smoothly the first time but it is not working properly after that:-
Code in init function :-
bg1 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile: @"bg1.png"];
bg1.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;
[self addChild:bg1 z:-2];
bg2 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile: @"bg1.png"];
[self addChild:bg2 z:-3];
bg2.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(480, 0);
// schedule a repeating callback on every frame
[self schedule:@selector(nextFrame:) interval:.4f];
- (void) nextFrame:(ccTime)dt {
id actionMove = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:.4 position:ccp(bg1.position.x - 100 * dt, bg1.position.y)]; //winSize.height/2)];
id actionMove1 = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:.4 position:ccp(bg2.position.x - 100 * dt, bg2.position.y)]; //winSize.height/2)];
id actionMoveDone = [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(spriteMoveFinished:)];
[bg1 runAction:[CCSequence actions:actionMove,actionMoveDone, nil]];
[bg2 runAction:[CCSequence actions:actionMove1,actionMoveDone, nil]];
-(void)spriteMoveFinished:(id)sender {
CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite *)sender;
if(sprite == bg1) {
if (bg1.position.x < -480) {
[self removeChild:bg1 cleanup:NO];
bg1.position = ccp( 480 , bg1.position.y );
[self addChild:bg1 z:-2];
else if(sprite == bg2)
if (bg2.position.x < -480) {
[self removeChild:bg2 cleanup:NO];
bg2.position = ccp( bg1.position.x+ 480 , bg1.position.y );
[self addChild:bg2 z:-3];
I think this way is a little simpler. You initialize the backgrounds in init
and move them in update
In the init method:
// position backgrounds
CCSprite *bg1 = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrame:spriteFrame];
CCSprite *bg2 = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrame:spriteFrame];
CCSprite *bg3 = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrame:spriteFrame];
bg1.anchorPoint = ccp(0, 0);
bg1.position = ccp(0, 0);
bg2.anchorPoint = ccp(0, 0);
bg2.position = ccp(bg1.contentSize.width-1, 0);
bg3.anchorPoint = ccp(0, 0);
bg3.position = ccp(2*bg1.contentSize.width-1, 0);
_backgrounds = @[bg1, bg2, bg3];
[self addChild:bg1 z:INT_MIN];
[self addChild:bg2 z:INT_MIN];
[self addChild:bg3 z:INT_MIN];
In the update method:
// endless scrolling for backgrounds
for (CCSprite *bg in _backgrounds) {
bg.position = ccp(bg.position.x - 50 * delta, bg.position.y);
if (bg.position.x < -1 * (bg.contentSize.width)) {
bg.position = ccp(bg.position.x + (bg.contentSize.width*2)-2, 0);
Note: the code is for Cocos2d 3.0
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本文标题为:如何在 iOS coco2d 中无限移动背景图像
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