UIScrollView setContentSize 使用自动布局打破视图

UIScrollView setContentSize breaks view with Auto Layout(UIScrollView setContentSize 使用自动布局打破视图)

本文介绍了UIScrollView setContentSize 使用自动布局打破视图的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在我的 iPhone 应用程序中使用自动布局并且有一个 UIScrollView.在我的应用程序运行时,我需要在几个点更改滚动视图的内容大小(因此在 viewWillAppear 中设置内容大小是没有用的,因为我在其他地方看到了这个建议).

I am using Auto Layout in my iPhone app and have a UIScrollView. I need to change the content size of my scroll view at several points while my apps running (so setting the content size in viewWillAppear is useless as I have seen this suggested in other places).


When I change it, my subviews jump about, presumably because it breaks the auto layout constraints.


So how can I approach changing my scrollview content size with auto layout enabled?



我也遇到了同样的问题,我知道这不是最终的解决方案,但现在,而不是在 viewWillLayoutSubviews,通过将代码放在 viewDidLayoutSubviews 中,我可以在 viewController 完成默认业务后设置 contentSize :)

I was having this same issue, and I know this can't be the final solution, but for now, rather than calling this in viewWillLayoutSubviews, by putting the code inside viewDidLayoutSubviews it allowed me to set the contentSize AFTER the viewController did it's default business :)


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本文标题为:UIScrollView setContentSize 使用自动布局打破视图