SimpleCursorAdapter how to show an image?(SimpleCursorAdapter 如何显示图像?)
我正在制作一个使用数据库的 android 食谱应用程序.在数据库中有一个名为图像"的列,我在其中存储了我存储在可绘制文件夹中的食谱图片的文件名称.现在我想用食谱制作一个列表,显示:1) 食谱的标题2) 简短描述和3) 食谱的图片为此,我使用 Simplecursoradaptor.
I am making an android recipes application where i use a database. In database there is a column named" "images", where i store the name of the file of the picture of the recipe where i store at drawable folder. Now i want to make a List with the recipes, showing: 1) the Title of the recipe 2) a short description and 3) an image of the recipe To do that i use a Simplecursoradaptor.
我想从图像"列中读取文件名,然后在我的 imageview ( 中设置图像
I want to read the file name from the column "images" and then set the image at my imageview (
Here is my code untill now:
public class RecipesMainActivity extends Activity
public static final String ROW_ID = "row_id"; //Intent extra key
private ListView esodaListView; // the ListActivity's ListView
private SimpleCursorAdapter esodaAdapter; // adapter for ListView
DatabaseConnector databaseConnector = new DatabaseConnector(RecipesMainActivity.this);
// called when the activity is first created
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
esodaListView = (ListView)findViewById(;
// map each esoda to a TextView in the ListView layout
// The desired columns to be bound
String[] from = new String[] {"title","ingredients","image"}; // built an String array named "from"
//The XML defined views which the data will be bound to
int[] to = new int[] {,,}; // built an int array named "to"
// EsodaMainActivity.this = The context in which the ListView is running
// R.layout.esoda_list_item = Id of the layout that is used to display each item in ListView
// null =
// from = String array containing the column names to display
// to = Int array containing the column names to display
esodaAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter (this, R.layout.recipe_list_item, null, from, to);
esodaListView.setAdapter(esodaAdapter); // set esodaView's adapter
} // end of onCreate method
protected void onResume()
super.onResume(); // call super's onResume method
// create new GetEsodaTask and execute it
// GetEsodaTask is an AsyncTask object
new GetEsodaTask().execute((Object[]) null);
} // end of onResume method
// onStop method is executed when the Activity is no longer visible to the user
protected void onStop()
Cursor cursor= esodaAdapter.getCursor(); // gets current cursor from esodaAdapter
if (cursor != null)
cursor.deactivate(); // deactivate cursor
esodaAdapter.changeCursor(null); // adapter now has no cursor (removes the cursor from the CursorAdapter)
} // end of onStop method
// this class performs db query outside the GUI
private class GetEsodaTask extends AsyncTask<Object, Object, Cursor>
// we create a new DatabaseConnector obj
// EsodaMainActivity.this = Context
DatabaseConnector databaseConnector = new DatabaseConnector(RecipesMainActivity.this);
// perform the db access
protected Cursor doInBackground(Object... params)
// get a cursor containing call esoda
return databaseConnector.getAllEsoda();
// the cursor returned by getAllContacts() is passed to method onPostExecute()
} // end of doInBackground method
// here we use the cursor returned from the doInBackground() method
protected void onPostExecute(Cursor result)
esodaAdapter.changeCursor(result); // set the adapter's Cursor
} // end of onPostExecute() method
} // end of GetEsodaTask class
I searched a lot online but i couldnt find something tha could help me.
我是否可以使用 simplecursoradaptor 在 imageview 中设置图像?
Do i have to make a custom cursor adaptor? And if i have to make a custom one how can i do it?
You need to set the ViewBinder
of the adapter to set the image of the ImageView
to the value received from the DB.
esodaAdapter.setViewBinder(new SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder() {
public boolean setViewValue (View view, Cursor cursor, int columnIndex){
if (view.getId() == {
ImageView IV=(ImageView) view;
int resID = getApplicationContext().getResources().getIdentifier(cursor.getString(columnIndex), "drawable", getApplicationContext().getPackageName());
return true;
return false;
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本文标题为:SimpleCursorAdapter 如何显示图像?

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