
Android load image into imageview efficiently(Android有效地将图像加载到imageview中)



我有下一个问题:为了避免 OutOfMemoryError,我使用 Picasso 将我的大图像加载到 ImageViews 中:

I have next problem: To avoid OutOfMemoryError i'm loading my big images into ImageViews using Picasso in such way:

public static RequestCreator picasso(final Context context, final int resourceId) {
    return Picasso.with(context)

在活动或片段中,我正在将图像加载到 ImageView 中

And in activity or fragment, i'm loading image into ImageView

final ImageView backgroundImage = (ImageView) root.findViewById(;


  1. 图片加载有些延迟(但我需要立即加载)
  2. centerCrop() 在某些情况下不是我需要的.

  1. Image loads with some delay (but i need to load it immideatly)
  2. centerCrop() is not what i need in some cases.

如何实现 topCrop() 或 bottomCrop() 之类的东西?我试过 库,但我在 setFrame() 方法中得到 NullPointerException(getDrawable() 返回 null),因为图像尚未加载.提前致谢!

How can i implement something like topCrop() or bottomCrop()? I've tried library, but i'm getting NullPointerException in setFrame() method (getDrawable() returns null), because image did not load yet. Thanks in advance!



Image loads with some delay (but i need to load it immideatly)

您必须选择:(a) 内存有效延迟或 (b) 即时但可能的 OOM.我说根据经验,我在 Play Store 上的应用程序在 Picasso 处理它时会有一点延迟.这就是它的工作原理.

you have to choose: (a) memory efficient delay or (b) instant but probable OOM. And I said that by experience, the app I have on the Play Store have a little delay while Picasso is processing it. It's just how it works.

centerCrop() 在某些情况下不是我需要的.

centerCrop() is not what i need in some cases.

那么您应该将图像 into() 加载到 目标.目标将在 UI 线程中接收 Drawable,从那里您可以在 ImageView 中设置它(使用 setScaleType)或作为您想要的任何背景.甚至可能使用 InsetDrawable 来调整位置.

then you should load the image into() a Target. The target will receive the Drawable in the UI thread, from there you can set it up inside the ImageView (using the setScaleType) or as a background anyway you want. Maybe even using an InsetDrawable to adjust position.

