Path to bundle of iOS framework(iOS 框架包的路径)
我正在开发一个带有一些数据文件的 iOS 框架.要将它们加载到 Dictionary
I am working on a framework for iOS, which comes with some datafiles. To load them into a Dictionary
I do something like this:
public func loadPListFromBundle(filename: String, type: String) -> [String : AnyObject]? {
let bundle = Bundle(for: "com.myframework")
let path = bundle.main.path(forResource: filename, ofType: type),
let plistDict = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path) as? [String : AnyObject]
else {
print("plist not found")
return nil
return plistDict
If I use this in a playground with the framework, it works as intended.
But if I use the framework embedded in an app, it doesn't work anymore, the "path" now points to the bundle of the app, not of the framework.
How do I make sure that the bundle of the framework is accessed?
the code above resides in the framework, not in the app.
the code above is a utility function, and is not part of a struct or class.
let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
let path = bundle.path(forResource: filename, ofType: type)
或通过 identifier
(框架包 ID)搜索包:
or search the bundle by identifier
(the frameworks bundle ID):
let bundle = Bundle(identifier: "com.myframework")
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本文标题为:iOS 框架包的路径

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