
How can I open the Settings app when the user presses a button?(用户按下按钮时如何打开设置应用程序?)




From what I understand by using code like this:

NSURL* appUrl = [NSURL URLWithString: @"URL"];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:appUrl];

当用户说按下按钮时,我可以打开 Map、YouTube、Safari、Mail、iTunes 和 App Store.

I can open Map, YouTube, Safari, Mail, iTunes and the App Store, when a user say presses a button.


But I was wondering is it possible to open the Settings app with this method.

基本上,当用户第一次打开我的应用程序时,我希望弹出一个 UIAlertView,让用户知道他们可以根据需要更改特定设置,然后他们按 OK 或按设置将他们带到设置应用程序.

Basically, the first time the user opens my app I want a UIAlertView to pop up to let the user know that they can change a specific setting if they want, and either they press OK or they press settings to take them to the settings app.

我知道 Apple 在某些情况下会这样做,但开发人员可以这样做吗?

I know that Apple do that in some situations, but is it possible for developers to do that?


根据@bnduati 的回答,在iOS 8 中,您可以使用以下代码在设置应用中打开应用的设置:

As per @bnduati's answer, in iOS 8 you can use the following code to open your app's settings in the settings app:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString]];



Old answer:

从 iOS 5.1 到 iOS 7,无法从其他应用程序打开设置应用程序.

From iOS 5.1 through iOS 7, it was not possible to open the settings app from another application.


You might want to investigate this framework for providing in-app settings.


There are quite a few other questions that discuss this topic:

iPhone- 如何将通过System Settings App看到的Settings bundle放到自己的App中?

从应用程序启动 iPhone 设置屏幕?

如何从您的 iPhone 应用程序中将用户发送到主 iPhone 设置屏幕

