
UIWebView: when did a page really finish loading?(UIWebView:页面何时真正完成加载?)



我需要知道,当 UIWebView 完全加载网页时.我的意思是,当所有重定向都完成并且动态加载的内容准备好时.我尝试注入 javascript(查询 document.readyState == 'complete'),但这似乎不太可靠.

I need to know, when a web page has completely been loaded by UIWebView. I mean, really completely, when all redirects are done and dynamically loaded content is ready. I tried injecting javascript (querying for document.readyState == 'complete'), but that does not seem to be very reliable.

是否有来自私有 api 的事件会给我带来结果?

Is there, maybe, an event from the private api that will bring me the result?


我一直在寻找这个问题的答案,我从 Sebastian 的问题中得到了这个想法.不知何故,它对我有用,也许对遇到此问题的人有用.

I have been looking for the answer for this, and I got this idea from Sebastian's question. Somehow it works for me, maybe it will for those who encounter this issue.

我为 UIWebView 设置了一个委托,在 webViewDidFinishLoad 中,我通过执行 Javascript 来检测 webview 是否真的完成了加载.

I set a delegate to UIWebView and in the webViewDidFinishLoad, I detect if the webview has really finished loading by executing a Javascript.

- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView {
    if ([[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.readyState"] isEqualToString:@"complete"]) {
        // UIWebView object has fully loaded.

