Smart App Updates on Google Play Store: how does it work?(Google Play 商店上的智能应用更新:它是如何工作的?)
Google Play 商店支持(自 2012 年 8 月起)一项称为智能应用更新的新功能,该功能允许在升级应用时仅下载必要的增量".
The Google Play store supports (since Aug 2012) a new feature called Smart App Updates, that allows downloading only the necessary "delta" when upgrading an app.
I have found no documentation for developers regarding this feature, thus I don't know how to optimize my app to make sure it benefits from this great mechanism.
- 有哪些技术影响(如果有的话)对开发者来说是值得了解的?(我想在用户的设备上构建了一个新的全尺寸 APK,或者未更改的数据可能存储在其他地方?)
- 重复利用以前版本中未更改的数据是否仅限于某些资源?(如
- What are the technical impacts (if any) that would be good to know for the developers? (I suppose a new, full-size APK is built on the user's device, or maybe the unchanged data is stored somewhere else?)
- Is the reutilization of unchanged data from the previous versions limited to certain resources? (like files in the
- GDIFF,一种增量编码算法,用于计算旧应用程序版本和新应用程序版本.这是在服务器上完成的边.这个计算出的差异通常被称为补丁文件.
- 补丁文件被传输到设备中.
- Google Play Store 应用使用补丁文件和旧应用来构建新版本的应用.
- 新版本已安装在设备上.
- GDIFF, a delta encoding algorithm, is used to compute the difference between the old application version and the new one. This is done on the server side. This computed difference is usually referred to as a patch file.
- The patch file is transferred to the device.
- The Google Play Store app uses the patch file and the old application to construct the new version of the application.
- The new version is installed on the device.
目前,补丁大小是新应用程序版本大小的 25%(平均).因此,您平均可以节省 75% 的流量.权衡是您必须在终端设备上进行更多计算才能部署接收到的补丁,具体取决于增量编码技术.GDIFF 非常简单,并且开销最小.差异是在 APK 包之间计算的(使用 APK 中的所有信息).如前所述,开发人员无需做任何事情即可从这项新功能中受益.
Currently, patch size is 25% of the new application version size (on average). Thus, you get 75% traffic saving on average. The trade off is that you have to do more computations on the end device to deploy the received patch, depending on the delta encoding technique. GDIFF is extremely simple, and has minimal overhead. The difference is computed between APK packages (all information in the APK is used). As was mentioned, developers don't need to do anything to benefit from this new feature.
这篇关于Google Play 商店上的智能应用更新:它是如何工作的?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:Google Play 商店上的智能应用更新:它是如何工作的?

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