Double checked locking Article(双重检查锁定文章)
I was reading this article about "Double-Checked locking" and out of the main topic of the article I was wondering why at some point of the article the author uses the next Idiom:
清单 7. 尝试解决乱序写入问题
Listing 7. Attempting to solve the out-of-order write problem
public static Singleton getInstance()
if (instance == null)
synchronized(Singleton.class) { //1
Singleton inst = instance; //2
if (inst == null)
synchronized(Singleton.class) { //3
inst = new Singleton(); //4
instance = inst; //5
return instance;
And my question is: Is there any reason to synchronize twice some code with the same lock? Have this any purpose it?
两次锁定的目的是尝试防止乱序写入.内存模型指定了可能发生重新排序的位置,部分是根据锁.锁确保在instance = inst;"之后不会出现任何写入(包括单例构造函数中的任何写入).行.
The point of locking twice was to attempt to prevent out-of-order writes. The memory model specifies where reorderings can occur, partly in terms of locks. The lock ensures that no writes (including any within the singleton constructor) appear to happen after the "instance = inst;" line.
但是,要深入了解该主题,我建议 Bill Pugh 的文章.然后永远不要尝试它:)
However, to go deeper into the subject I'd recommend Bill Pugh's article. And then never attempt it :)

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