Swagger/Openapi-Annotations:如何使用 $ref 生成 allOf?

Swagger/Openapi-Annotations: How to produce allOf with $ref?(Swagger/Openapi-Annotations:如何使用 $ref 生成 allOf?)

本文介绍了Swagger/Openapi-Annotations:如何使用 $ref 生成 allOf?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在生成 Rest 端点,包括向生成的代码添加 Openapi/Swagger 注释.

I'm generating Rest endpoints including adding Openapi/Swagger annotations to the generated code.


While it works quite well with basic types, I have some problems with custom classes.

现在我有很多自定义类的重复架构条目(使用 @Schema(implementation = MyClass.class)),但至少需要的信息在那里.不过,我想找到一种方法来删除重复的架构条目,同时保留其他信息.

Right now I have a lot of duplicate schema entries for the custom classes (using @Schema(implementation = MyClass.class)) but at least the needed information is there. However I'd like to find a way to remove the duplicate schema entries while retaining the additional information.

在讨论 $ref 和缺少兄弟属性的 github 问题上,我发现 一个示例您将如何在 yaml 中手动编写它以获得我正在寻找的结果,但是我无法弄清楚如何设置注释以生成它.

On a github-issue discussing the $ref and lack of sibling properties I found an example how you would write it manually in yaml in order to get the result I'm looking for, however I can't figure out how to set the annotations to produce it.

如果我遵循 认为注释的样子" rel="noreferrer">example (只是为了安全起见,它被添加到 getter 和 setter 中):

This is how I think the annotation should look like if I follow the example (just to be on the safe side it is added to both the getter and the setter):

  import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema;

public class SepaPaymentRequest {

  @Schema(name = "w307BetrBeg", description = "BETRAG BEGUENSTIGTER ", allOf = { com.diesoftware.services.utils.Betrag.class }, required = true)
  public void setW307BetrBeg(final Betrag w307BetrBeg) {
    this.w307BetrBeg = w307BetrBeg;


但是当我获取 openapi.yaml (snippet) 时我得到了什么:

However what I get when I fetch the openapi.yaml (snippet):

      $ref: '#/components/schemas/Betrag'


      title: 'Betrag'
      description: 'BETRAG BEGUENSTIGTER'
        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Betrag'


Any hints are more than welcome.



I haven't found a way to do it using annotations, i.e. by annotating the class.


I think it's possible to do, by:

  • 创建模型
  • 使用 ModelConverter 注入模型

当我说模型"时,我指的是 io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media.Schema 的一个实例.

When I say "a model" I mean an instance of io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media.Schema.

我认为你特别想创建和注入一个 io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media.ComposedSchema 实例,它支持 allOf.

In particular I think you'd want to create and inject a io.swagger.v3.oas.models.media.ComposedSchema instance, which supports allOf.

这样做(即创建模型实例)与手写 YAML 没有太大区别.

Doing this (i.e. creating model instances) isn't very different from hand-writing the YAML.

另一种可能性——我没有尝试过——可能是编写一个稍微不同的 ModelConverter,您将其安装到转换器链中.然后,拦截对 resolve 的调用,该调用返回一个 nameBetrag 的 SchemaObject,并且(有时?)将其替换为 ComposedSchema 使用 allOf 的实例.

Another possibility -- which I haven't tried -- might be to write a slightly different ModelConverter, which you install into the chain of converters. Then, intercept calls to resolve which return a SchemaObject whose name is Betrag, and (sometimes?) replace that with a ComposedSchema instance which uses allOf.

这篇关于Swagger/Openapi-Annotations:如何使用 $ref 生成 allOf?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:Swagger/Openapi-Annotations:如何使用 $ref 生成 allOf?