how to do friendly base url for swagger 2.8.0(如何为 swagger 2.8.0 做友好的基本 url)
我正在尝试更改 API 文档的基本访问 URL.网址是
UPD:Springfox 被放弃
Springfox Swagger 一直是一个有点脏的解决方案,有很多不明确和错误,但到现在(2021 Q4)它已经一年多没有更新了.
最后一根稻草是 Springfox Swagger 3.0 不再适用于 Spring Boot 2.6 的事实.x.
对于使用 Springfox Swagger 3.0.0 的用户
I'm trying to change base access url for API documentation. The url is "http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html". I want to get something like "http://localhost:8080/myapi/swagger-ui.html".
I use Springfox 2.8.0 Swagger, Java 8, Spring Boot 2.0 The swagger configuration is:
public class SwaggerConfiguration {
public Docket api(ServletContext servletContext) {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.pathProvider(new RelativePathProvider(servletContext) {
public String getApplicationBasePath() {
return "/myapi";
Custom path provider had to help, but I still get access to api documentation by using url "http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html". If I use url "http://localhost:8080/myapi/swagger-ui.html", I get 404 error. Look at the screenshot below.
UPD: Springfox is abandoned
Springfox Swagger had always been kinda dirty solution with a lot of unclearness and bugs, but by now (2021 Q4) it hadn't been updated for more than a year.
The final straw was the fact that Springfox Swagger 3.0 doesn't work anymore with Spring Boot 2.6.x.
So, if you reading this, please, consider switching over to instead.
It's a pretty straightforward conversion and they do a great job of documenting it.
For those who use Springfox Swagger 3.0.0
Here's the working configuration for changing base url for docs:
baseUrl: /documentation
path: /documentation/v3/api-docs
path: /documentation/v2/api-docs
这篇关于如何为 swagger 2.8.0 做友好的基本 url的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:如何为 swagger 2.8.0 做友好的基本 url

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