Handling excel spreadsheets with Cucumber Scenario Outline(使用 Cucumber Scenario Outline 处理 excel 电子表格)
如果可能的话,我试图找到一种更优雅的方式来处理从与 Excel 电子表格行(第 n 个)相关的 Cucumber Scenario Outline 调用 nTh 数字.
I am trying to see, if possible, to have a more elegant way to handle calling nTh numbers from a Cucumber Scenario Outline that correlates to an excel spreadsheet row(nth).
目前我正在使用迭代编号来定义 Excel 电子表格的行号以从中提取数据.我想看看是否有可能以比以下带有场景大纲的示例更优雅的方式将 cucumber 与 excel 一起使用.
Currently I am using iteration numbers to define the row # of the excel spread sheet to pull the data from. I wanted to see if it was possible to use cucumber with excel in a more elegant way than the below example with the scenario outline.
- 每次迭代都需要有自己的场景.因此,为什么我不使用带有 row.count 的简单 for 循环.
- 我完全了解场景大纲是一种制作数据表的方式,但我的公司希望看到一个 POF,我们可以通过 excel 集成大型数据集.
- 当前设置适用于小型数据集,但当我们进入大型 Excel 电子表格时,我不想在大纲上输入第 n 个数字
Feature: User is using an excel spreadsheet with cucumber driving it
Scenario Outline: Data Driven with excel and data sets
When I am on the amps mainscreen
Then I input username and passwords with excel row"<row_index>" dataset
| row_index |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
//Excel Steps
@When("^I am on the amps mainscreen$")
public void i_am_on_the_amps_mainscreen() {
System.out.println("Im loading");
//Excel Steps
@Then("^I input username and passwords with excel row"([^"]*)" dataset$")
public void i_input_username_and_passwords_with_excel_row_dataset(int rownum) throws IOException {
public void readExcel (int row) throws IOException{
File src=new File("src/test/resources/username.xlsx");
FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(src);
XSSFWorkbook srcBook= new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
XSSFSheet sourceSheet = srcBook.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFRow sourceRow = sourceSheet.getRow(row);
XSSFCell username=sourceRow.getCell(0);
XSSFCell password=sourceRow.getCell(1);
String userExcel = username.getStringCellValue();
String pwExcel = password.getStringCellValue();
System.out.println("The username is" +userExcel);
System.out.println("The password is" +pwExcel);
log.info("The username on " +row + " is: "+userExcel);
log.info("The password on "+row+ " is: "+pwExcel);
您可以使用 QMetry 自动化框架 与 小黄瓜工厂.它支持在特征文件之外提供的测试数据,例如 excel、xml、json、csv 或数据库.您可以提供数据文件,例如:
You can use QMetry Automation Framework with gherkin factory. It supports test data provided outside feature file for example excel, xml, json, csv, or database. you can provide datafile for examples like:
这里是 示例,您可以检查.
Here is the example you can check.
这篇关于使用 Cucumber Scenario Outline 处理 excel 电子表格的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:使用 Cucumber Scenario Outline 处理 excel 电子表格
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