Best practice for global constants involving magic numbers(涉及幻数的全局常量的最佳实践)
To avoid magic numbers, I always use constants in my code. Back in the old days we used to define constant sets in a methodless interface which has now become an antipattern.
我想知道最佳做法是什么?我说的是全局常量.枚举是在 Java 中存储常量的最佳选择吗?
I was wondering what are the best practices? I'm talking about global constants. Is an enum the best choice for storing constants in Java?
Using interfaces for storing constants is some kind of abusing interfaces.
但使用枚举并不是每种情况的最佳方式.通常一个普通的 int
But using Enums is not the best way for each situation. Often a plain int
or whatever else constant is sufficient. Defining own class instances ("type-safe enums") are even more flexible, for example:
public abstract class MyConst {
public static final MyConst FOO = new MyConst("foo") {
public void doSomething() {
public static final MyConst BAR = new MyConst("bar") {
public void doSomething() {
protected abstract void doSomething();
private final String id;
private MyConst(String id) { = id;
public String toString() {
return id;

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