why are java constants declared static?(为什么java常量声明为静态的?)
Why are java constants declared static ?
class Foo{
static final int FII = 2 ;
In this I understand the use of final? Buy why does it have to be static? Why should it be a class variable, and not an instance variable?
如果它可能因类的实例而异,那么它显然不是常量.为 Math
的每个实例获取不同的 pi 值意味着什么(不是说 Math
甚至允许构造实例)?或者 String
If it could vary by the instance of a class, then it's clearly not a constant. What would it mean to get a different value of pi for each instance of Math
(not that Math
even allows instances to be constructed)? Or a different case insensitive ordering for each instance of String

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