IntelliJ IDEA 插件开发:保存选项卡组,持久保存并

IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Development: Save groups of tabs, save them persistently and reload a set of tabs if requested by the user(IntelliJ IDEA 插件开发:保存选项卡组,持久保存并在用户请求时重新加载一组选项卡)

本文介绍了IntelliJ IDEA 插件开发:保存选项卡组,持久保存并在用户请求时重新加载一组选项卡的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前正在编写一个 IntelliJ 插件.我希望能够存储/恢复一组选项卡以在不同的选项卡会话之间切换(类似于 会话管理器 或 会话好友).

I am currently at the move to write an IntelliJ plugin. I want to be able to store/restore a set of tabs to switch between different tab sessions (comparable to browser plugins like Session Manager or Session Buddy).


Therefore i need basically three types of actions:

  1. 读取打开的选项卡(使用哪个文件和编辑器?)
  2. 将该信息永久存储为选项卡会话
  3. 打开选定会话的标签并关闭所有其他标签

我查看了可用的操作 - 似乎没有我正在寻找的东西.但也许我看错了地方.谁能告诉我我想要实现的目标是否可行,并给我一些正确方向的指点?

I looked at the available actions: - it seems that there is not what i am searching for. But maybe i am looking at the wrong place. Can anyone tell me if what's i am trying to achieve is possible and give me some pointers in the right direction?

我成功创建了插件,它可以在 Github 上找到:

I succesfully created the plugin and it's available at Github:

它在官方插件库中可用:Tab Session.

It is available in the official plugin repository: Tab Session.


Here is a follow-up question regarding splitted windows: Retrieving and setting split window settings



我停止支持此插件,因为 IDEA 已经支持该功能.您可以轻松地保存和加载上下文,如下所示:

插件已准备就绪,可以在 IDEA -> 设置 -> 插件中下载.源代码位于:

The plugin is up and ready and can be downloaded in IDEA -> Settings -> Plugins. Source code is available at:

要读取当前打开的选项卡,请使用 EditorFactoryFileDocumentManager 单例:

To read which tabs are open right now, use the EditorFactory and FileDocumentManager Singletons:

    Editor[] editors = EditorFactory.getInstance().getAllEditors();
    FileDocumentManager fileDocManager = FileDocumentManager.getInstance();
    for(Editor editor : editors) {
        VirtualFile vf = fileDocManager.getFile(editor.getDocument());
        String path = vf.getCanonicalPath();
        System.out.println("path = " + path);

要打开选项卡,请使用 FileEditorManager 单例(files 是规范路径的字符串数组):

To open tabs use the FileEditorManager singleton (files being a String Array of canonical paths):

    FileEditorManager fileEditorManager = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project);
    for(String path : files) {
        System.out.println("path = " + path);
        VirtualFile vf = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(path);
        fileEditorManager.openFile(vf, true, true);



  1. 激活插件开发、Groovy 和 UI Designer 插件
  2. 新建项目 -> IntelliJ IDEA 插件
  3. 签出 IDEA Community Edition 源代码到任何文件夹:

git clone git:// idea

  • 配置 IDEA SDK 和创建插件


    创建插件后,您需要编辑位于 META-INF 文件夹中的 plugin.xml.修改idnamedescription.

    我们需要一个用于持久存储的配置文件.在 src 文件夹中创建一个 mystorage.xml 文件.现在是时候创建所需的文件了:

    We need a configuration file for persistant storage. Create a mystorage.xml file in your src folder. It's now time to create the needed files:使用Add Project Component向导创建它以自动创建所需的xml设置): (create it with the Add Project Component wizard to automatically create the needed xml settings):

        name = "SessionComponent",
        storages = {
            @Storage(id = "default", file = StoragePathMacros.PROJECT_FILE),
            @Storage(id = "dir", file = StoragePathMacros.PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR + "/mystorage.xml", scheme = StorageScheme.DIRECTORY_BASED)
    public class SessionComponent implements ProjectComponent, PersistentStateComponent<SessionState> {
        Project project;
        SessionState sessionState;
        public SessionComponent(Project project) {
            this.project = project;
            sessionState = new SessionState();
        public void initComponent() {
            // TODO: insert component initialization logic here
        public void loadState(SessionState sessionState) {
            System.out.println("load sessionState = " + sessionState);
            this.sessionState = sessionState;
        public void projectOpened() {
            // called when project is opened
        public void projectClosed() {
            // called when project is being closed
        public SessionState getState() {
            System.out.println("save sessionState = " + sessionState);
            return sessionState;
        public void disposeComponent() {
            // TODO: insert component disposal logic here
        public String getComponentName() {
            return "SessionComponent";
        public int saveCurrentTabs() {
            Editor[] editors = getOpenEditors();
            FileEditorManager fileEditorManager = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project);
            VirtualFile[] selectedFiles = fileEditorManager.getSelectedFiles();
            FileDocumentManager fileDocManager = FileDocumentManager.getInstance();
            sessionState.files = new String[editors.length];
            int i = 0;
            for(Editor editor : editors) {
                VirtualFile vf = fileDocManager.getFile(editor.getDocument());
                String path = vf.getCanonicalPath();
                System.out.println("path = " + path);
                if(path.equals(selectedFiles[0].getCanonicalPath())) {
                    sessionState.focusedFile = path;
                sessionState.files[i] = path;
            return editors.length;
        public int loadSession() {
            FileEditorManager fileEditorManager = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project);
            for(String path : sessionState.files) {
                System.out.println("path = " + path);
                VirtualFile vf = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(path);
                fileEditorManager.openFile(vf, true, true);
            return sessionState.files.length;
        public void closeCurrentTabs() {
            Editor[] editors = getOpenEditors();
            FileEditorManager fileEditorManager = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project);
            FileDocumentManager fileDocManager = FileDocumentManager.getInstance();
            for(Editor editor : editors) {
                System.out.println("editor = " + editor);
                VirtualFile vf = fileDocManager.getFile(editor.getDocument());
        public void showMessage(String htmlText) {
            StatusBar statusBar = WindowManager.getInstance().getStatusBar(project);
                .createHtmlTextBalloonBuilder(htmlText, MessageType.INFO, null)
                .show(RelativePoint.getCenterOf(statusBar.getComponent()), Balloon.Position.atRight);
        private Editor[] getOpenEditors() {
            return EditorFactory.getInstance().getAllEditors();


    public class SessionState {
        public String[] files = new String[0];
        public String focusedFile = "";
        public String toString() {
            String result = "";
            for (String file : files) {
                result += file + ", ";
            result += "selected: " + focusedFile;
            return result;

    组件类应该在你的 plugin.xml 中有一个像这样的条目:

    The component class should have an entry in your plugin.xml like this one:



    The component class offers all needed functionality, but is never be used. Therefore, we need actions to perform loading and saving:


    public class Save extends AnAction {
        public Save() {
        public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent event) {
            Project project = event.getData(PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT);
            SessionComponent sessionComponent = project.getComponent(SessionComponent.class);
            int tabCount = sessionComponent.saveCurrentTabs();
            String htmlText = "Saved " + String.valueOf(tabCount) + " tabs";


    public class Load extends AnAction {
        public Load() {
        public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent event) {
            Project project = event.getData(PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT);
            SessionComponent sessionComponent = project.getComponent(SessionComponent.class);
            int tabCount = sessionComponent.loadSession();
            String htmlText = "Loaded " + String.valueOf(tabCount) + " tabs";


    我们需要的最后一件事是选择这些操作的用户界面.只需将其放在您的 plugin.xml 中:

        <!-- Add your actions here -->
          <group id="MyPlugin.SampleMenu" text="_Sample Menu" description="Sample menu">
              <add-to-group group-id="MainMenu" anchor="last"  />
              <action id="MyPlugin.Save" class="my.package.Save" text="_Save" description="A test menu item" />
              <action id="MyPlugin.Load" class="my.package.Load" text="_Load" description="A test menu item" />



    Plugin Deployment

    The basic functionality is ready. I will add support for multiple sessions and some other neat stuff before deploying this plugin and releasing it to the open-source community. Link will be posted here, when it's online.

    这篇关于IntelliJ IDEA 插件开发:保存选项卡组,持久保存并在用户请求时重新加载一组选项卡的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

  • 本文标题为:IntelliJ IDEA 插件开发:保存选项卡组,持久保存并