Indexing and Searching Date in Lucene(在 Lucene 中索引和搜索日期)
我尝试使用 DateTools.dateToString()
I tried it to index date with DateTools.dateToString()
method. Its working properly for indexing as well as searching.
但是我已经索引的数据有一些引用,它已经将 Date 索引为一个新的 Date().getTime()
But my already indexed data which has some references is in such a way that it has indexed Date as a new Date().getTime()
所以我的问题是如何对这些数据执行 RangeSearch Query
So my problem is how to perform RangeSearch Query
on this data...
Any solution to this???
您需要在日期字段上使用 TermRangeQuery
.该字段始终需要使用 DateTools.dateToString()
进行索引才能正常工作.下面是使用 Lucene 3.0 对日期范围进行索引和搜索的完整示例:
You need to use a TermRangeQuery
on your date field. That field always needs to be indexed with DateTools.dateToString()
for it to work properly. Here's a full example of indexing and searching on a date range with Lucene 3.0:
public class LuceneDateRange {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// setup Lucene to use an in-memory index
Directory directory = new RAMDirectory();
Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_30);
MaxFieldLength mlf = MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED;
IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, analyzer, true, mlf);
// use the current time as the base of dates for this example
long baseTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// index 10 documents with 1 second between dates
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Document doc = new Document();
String id = String.valueOf(i);
String date = buildDate(baseTime + i * 1000);
doc.add(new Field("id", id, Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
doc.add(new Field("date", date, Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
// search for documents from 5 to 8 seconds after base, inclusive
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(directory);
String lowerDate = buildDate(baseTime + 5000);
String upperDate = buildDate(baseTime + 8000);
boolean includeLower = true;
boolean includeUpper = true;
TermRangeQuery query = new TermRangeQuery("date",
lowerDate, upperDate, includeLower, includeUpper);
// display search results
TopDocs topDocs =, 10);
for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : topDocs.scoreDocs) {
Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc);
public static String buildDate(long time) {
return DateTools.dateToString(new Date(time), Resolution.SECOND);
这篇关于在 Lucene 中索引和搜索日期的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:在 Lucene 中索引和搜索日期
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