Do anonymous classes *always* maintain a reference to their enclosing instance?(匿名类*总是*维护对其封闭实例的引用吗?)
我正在处理一些代码,其中一个对象foo"正在创建另一个对象,bar",并传递给它一个 Callable
.在此 foo 将返回之后bar,然后我希望 foo 变得无法访问(即:可用于垃圾收集).
I'm working with some code where one object, "foo", is creating another
object, "bar", and passing it a Callable
. After this foo will return
bar, and then I want foo to become unreachable (ie: available for
garbage collection).
我最初的想法是匿名创建 Callable
My initial thought was to just create the Callable
anonymously. eg:
class Foo {
public Bar createBar() {
final int arg1 = ...
final int arg2 = ...
final int arg3 = ...
return new Callable<Baz>() {
public Baz call() {
return new Baz(arg1, arg2, arg3);
我突然想到,这实际上可能无法按预期工作,但是,因为内部类通常保留对其封闭对象的引用.我不想在这里引用封闭类,因为我希望封闭对象是在 Callable
It occurred to me that this might not actually work as desired, however,
as an inner class typically keeps a reference to its enclosing object.
I don't want a reference to the enclosing class here, because I want the enclosing object to be
collected while the Callable
is still reachable.
另一方面,检测到封闭实例实际上从未被引用应该很简单,所以也许 Java 编译器足够聪明在这种情况下不包括参考.
On the other hand, detecting that the enclosing instance is never actually referred to should be pretty trivial, so perhaps the Java compiler is smart enough to not include a reference in that case.
So... will an instance of an anonymous inner class hold on to a reference to its enclosing instance even if it never actually uses the enclosing instance reference?
Yes, instances of anonymous inner classes hold on to a reference to their enclosing instances even if these references are never actually used. This code:
public class Outer {
public Runnable getRunnable() {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
使用 javac
.拆解后者,匿名内部类,使用 javap -c
When compiled with javac
generates two class files, Outer.class
. Disassembling the latter, the anonymous inner class,
with javap -c
Compiled from ""
class Outer$1 extends java.lang.Object implements java.lang.Runnable{
final Outer this$0;
0: aload_0
1: aload_1
2: putfield #1; //Field this$0:LOuter;
5: aload_0
6: invokespecial #2; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
9: return
public void run();
0: getstatic #3; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
3: ldc #4; //String hello
5: invokevirtual #5; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
8: return
行显示对封闭实例的引用是由构造函数存储在字段 this$0
(类型为 Outer
The putfield
line shows that a reference to the enclosing instance is
being stored in the field this$0
(of type Outer
) by the constructor
even though this field is never used again.
This is unfortunate if you're attempting to create small potentially long-lived objects with anonymous inner classes as they'll hold onto the (potentially large) enclosing instance. A workaround is to use an instance of a static class (or a top-level class) instead. This is unfortunately more verbose.
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