What is the maximum of number of arguments for varargs in java?(java中可变参数的最大参数数量是多少?)
java 中的 vararg 可以使用的最大参数数量是多少?我认为应该有一些限制,它不是无限的.
What is the maximum of number of arguments which can be used by a vararg in java ? I believe there should be some limit and it is not infinite.
一个方法(包括静态类初始化器)最多可以有 64k.如果参数可以使用单个 1 字节长的字节码推送它们,那么您可以在调用中使用大约 64000 个参数.
A method (including the static class initializer) can have at most 64k. If the arguments are such that they can be pushed with a single bytecode that is 1 byte long each, you can have something about 64000 arguments on a call.
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