Eclipse git checkout(又名,还原)

Eclipse git checkout (aka, revert)(Eclipse git checkout(又名,还原))

本文介绍了Eclipse git checkout(又名,还原)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以使用 EGit 插件在 Eclipse 中执行与 git checkout 等效的操作?

Is it possible to do the equivalent of git checkout from within Eclipse using the EGit plugin?

我有一个文件已被修改.我想放弃更改并将文件恢复到源存储库中的内容.在 Subversion 中,这称为还原.在 git 中相当于是 checkout.

I have a file that's been modified. I want to discards the changes and revert the file back to what's in the source repository. In Subversion this is called revert. In git the equivalent is checkout.

我在团队下找不到任何看起来像结帐或还原的菜单项.我正在使用 EGit 0.6.0.

I can't find any menu item under Team that looks like checkout or revert. I'm using EGit 0.6.0.


这可以通过包视图中文件的上下文菜单Replace with/File in Git index"来完成.

This can be done via the context menu "Replace with/File in Git index" on the file in package view.

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本文标题为:Eclipse git checkout(又名,还原)