
Is it possible to keep sockets open infinite time(是否可以无限期保持套接字打开)



我是网络编程新手.我很感兴趣是否可以通过 Java 服务器和 C 客户端之间的套接字建立网络连接并保持连接无限打开?我想保持连接打开以在客户端之间交换 XML 数据.

I'm new to network programming. I'm interested is it possible to establish network connection via sockets between Java server and C client and keep the connection open infinitely? I want to keep the connection open to exchange XML data between the clients.



Is is theoretically possible to keep server sockets open an indefinitely long amount of time; however, it is not possible to do so with the client-side socket. The main reason why is because the client side socket is dependent on the server side socket handling the data, and the server socket may close the connection.


While it might be possible to keep a connection open indefinitely, practical aspects typically ensure that such sockets don't stay open forever. Network outages, misconfiguration in intermediate routers, exhaustion of bandwidth, lack of computing power, etc. all collude to ensure that point to point connections are at best temporary.


Note that a server side socket is a socket that receives requests to connect (spawning off connections which have their own return sockets), so it can be open even when there are no connections. If you think of a socket as an open connection to another computer, you will need to reorient your thinking to have server sockets make any sense.

