Copying files from one directory to another in Java(在 Java 中将文件从一个目录复制到另一个目录)
我想使用 Java 将文件从一个目录复制到另一个(子目录).我有一个包含文本文件的目录 dir.我遍历 dir 中的前 20 个文件,并希望将它们复制到 dir 目录中的另一个目录,该目录是我在迭代之前创建的.在代码中,我想将 review
(代表第 i 个文本文件或评论)复制到 trainingDir
I want to copy files from one directory to another (subdirectory) using Java. I have a directory, dir, with text files. I iterate over the first 20 files in dir, and want to copy them to another directory in the dir directory, which I have created right before the iteration.
In the code, I want to copy the review
(which represents the ith text file or review) to trainingDir
. How can I do this? There seems not to be such a function (or I couldn't find). Thank you.
boolean success = false;
File[] reviews = dir.listFiles();
String trainingDir = dir.getAbsolutePath() + "/trainingData";
File trDir = new File(trainingDir);
success = trDir.mkdir();
for(int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
File review = reviews[i];
For now this should solve your problem
File source = new File("H:\work-temp\file");
File dest = new File("H:\work-temp\file2");
try {
FileUtils.copyDirectory(source, dest);
} catch (IOException e) {
类来自 apache commons-io 库,从版本开始可用1.2.
class from apache commons-io library, available since version 1.2.
Using third party tools instead of writing all utilities by ourself seems to be a better idea. It can save time and other valuable resources.
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本文标题为:在 Java 中将文件从一个目录复制到另一个目录
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