Jersey REST 扩展方法

Jersey REST extending methods(Jersey REST 扩展方法)

本文介绍了Jersey REST 扩展方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想知道是否可以使用 jersey restful 资源执行以下技巧:

I was wondering if it is possible to do the following trick with jersey restful resources:


I have an example jersey resource:

public class ExampleRessource {

  public Response doStuff() {
    //implicit call to checkPermissions(new String[] {"foo","bar"}) 


  private void checkPermissions(String[] permissions) {
    //stuff happens here


我想要实现的是:在执行每个资源的方法之前,通过调用 checkPermissions 方法来隐式检查注解中的权限,而无需在方法体中实际编写调用.有点装饰"这个资源中的每个球衣方法.

What I want to achieve is: before executing each resource's method to implicitly check the rights from the annotation by calling the checkPermissions method without actually writing the call inside the method body. Kind of "decorating" each jersey method inside this resource.


Is there an elegant solution? For example with jersey Provider?



搭配 Jersey 2 可以使用 ContainerRequestFilter.

With Jersey 2 can use ContainerRequestFilter.

public class CheckPermissionsRequestFilter 
                                     implements ContainerRequestFilter {
    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext crc) throws IOException {



We can get the annotation on the called method through the ResourceInfo class

private ResourceInfo info;

public void filter(ContainerRequestContext crc) throws IOException {
    Method method = info.getResourceMethod();
    CheckPermissions annotation = method.getAnnotation(CheckPermissions.class);
    if (annotation != null) {
        String[] permissions = annotation.value();


@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface CheckPermissions {
    String[] value();


  • 在 过滤器和拦截器
  • See more at Filters and Interceptors


The annotation above allows for annotating classes also. Just for completeness, you'll want to check the class also. Something like

Class resourceClass = info.getResourceClass();
CheckPermissions checkPermissions = resourceClass.getAnnotation(CheckPermissions.class);
if (checkPermissions != null) {
   String[] persmission = checkPermissions.value();

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本文标题为:Jersey REST 扩展方法