Java 中的并行 XML 解析

Parallel XML Parsing in Java(Java 中的并行 XML 解析)

本文介绍了Java 中的并行 XML 解析的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在编写一个应用程序,它处理大量具有深层节点结构的 xml 文件 (>1000).使用 woodstox (Event API) 大约需要 6 秒来解析一个包含 22.000 个节点的文件.

I'm writing an application which processes a lot of xml files (>1000) with deep node structures. It takes about six seconds with with woodstox (Event API) to parse a file with 22.000 Nodes.


The algorithm is placed in a process with user interaction where only a few seconds response time are acceptable. So I need to improve the strategy how to handle the xml files.

  1. 我的进程分析 xml 文件(仅提取几个节点).
  2. 处理提取的节点并将新结果写入新数据流(生成带有修改节点的文档副本).

现在我正在考虑一种多线程解决方案(在 16 Core+ 硬件上可以更好地扩展).我想到了以下策略:

Now I'm thinking about a multithreaded solution (which scales better on 16 Core+ hardware). I thought about the following stategies:

  1. 创建多个解析器并在 xml 源上并行运行它们.
  2. 重写我的解析算法线程保存以仅使用解析器的一个实例(工厂,...)
  3. 将 XML 源拆分成块并将这些块分配给多个处理线程(map-reduce xml - 串行)
  4. 优化我的算法(StAX 解析器比 woodstox 更好?)/使用内置并发的解析器



Do you have experience with such problems? What is the best way to go?


  1. 这一点很明显:只需创建几个解析器并在多个线程中并行运行它们.

  1. This one is obvious: just create several parsers and run them in parallel in multiple threads.

看看 Woodstox 性能(暂时关闭,试试 google 缓存).

Take a look at Woodstox Performance (down at the moment, try google cache).

如果您的 XML 结构是可预测的,则可以做到这一点:如果它有很多相同的顶级元素.例如:

This can be done IF structure of your XML is predictable: if it has a lot of same top-level elements. For instance:

    <more>more elements</more>
    <other>other elements</other>

在这种情况下,您可以创建简单的拆分器来搜索 <element> 并将此部分提供给特定的解析器实例.这是一种简化的方法:在现实生活中,我会使用 RandomAccessFile 来查找起点 (<element>),然后创建仅对文件的一部分进行操作的自定义 FileInputStream.

In this case you could create simple splitter that searches <element> and feeds this part to a particular parser instance. That's a simplified approach: in real life I'd go with RandomAccessFile to find start stop points (<element>) and then create custom FileInputStream that just operates on a part of file.

看看 Aalto.创造伍德斯托克斯的人.这是该领域的专家 - 不要重新发明轮子.

Take a look at Aalto. The same guys that created Woodstox. This are experts in this area - don't reinvent the wheel.

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