如何在 libGDX 框架中匹配用户点击和精灵对象位置

How to match user click and the sprite object position in libGDX framework(如何在 libGDX 框架中匹配用户点击和精灵对象位置)

本文介绍了如何在 libGDX 框架中匹配用户点击和精灵对象位置的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 libGDX java 框架在 Eclipse 中开发一个练习游戏.

I am using libGDX java framework for developing a practice game in Eclipse.

我的游戏处于横向模式,我正在使用精灵图像作为游戏资产.实际上我正在尝试遵循千螺栓 ZombieBird 教程

My game is in landscape mode and I am using sprite image for game assets .Actually i am trying to follow the kilobolt ZombieBird tutorial


I have set orthographic camera like this -- >

   cam = new OrthographicCamera();
   cam.setToOrtho(true, 250, 120);

我这样做是因为我的背景纹理区域在精灵图像中是 250 x 120 像素.

I have done this because my background texture region is of 250 x 120 px in the sprite image.

所以基本上我的精灵图像尺寸很小,它会根据设备进行缩放,但是所有的计算都是相对于 250 x 140 像素完成的,比如改变我定义的对象的位置 Vector2 position =new Vector2(x, y); 如果我写 position.x = 260; 即使我的设备宽度为 500px,精灵也会出现在屏幕之外.

So basically my sprite image is small in size and it is getting scaled according to the device but all the computing is done relative to 250 x 140 px like for changing the position of the object i have defined Vector2 position = new Vector2(x, y); and if i write position.x = 260; the sprite will go outside the screen even if my device width is 500px .


Problem : Now i have to make the moving sprite vanish when someone clicks on it (just imagine zombies moving around and if i click on them they die) .So i am using the following code for matching user click co-ords with the object co-ords.

 int x1 = Gdx.input.getX();
 int y1 = Gdx.input.getY();
 if(position.x == x1 && position.y == y1){
      // do something that vanish the object clicked

问题是 position.x 和 position.y 返回相对于正射凸轮宽度和高度的坐标,即 250x120 像素,点击坐标是相对于设备的宽度和高度,这可能是根据设备.因此,即使我在对象上单击鼠标右键,单击坐标和对象位置坐标的值也存在巨大差异.所以我永远不会得到匹配的值.

The problem is position.x and position.y returns the co-ords relative to the ortho cam width and height which is 250x120 px and the click co-ords are relative to the device width and height which maybe anything according to the device. Because of this even if i click right on the object the click co-ords and the object position co-ords have a huge difference in their values.So i would never get matching values .


Is there any solution for this or am i doing it wrong ?



You have to unproject the device coordinates using the camera. The camera has a built in function to do this, so it's fairly simple. Furthermore, to determine if the sprite is clicked, you have to check to see if the point clicked is anywhere inside the sprite, not just equal to the sprite's position. Do something like this:

int x1 = Gdx.input.getX();
int y1 = Gdx.input.getY();
Vector3 input = new Vector3(x1, y1, 0);
//Now you can use input.x and input.y, as opposed to x1 and y1, to determine if the moving
//sprite has been clicked
if(sprite.getBoundingRectange().contains(input.x, input.y)) {
    //Do whatever you want to do with the sprite when clicked

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本文标题为:如何在 libGDX 框架中匹配用户点击和精灵对象位置