如何组合 Box2d 实体?

How to combine Box2d bodies?(如何组合 Box2d 实体?)

本文介绍了如何组合 Box2d 实体?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个不只是一个盒子或圆形的纹理,我的身体需要与这个形状相同,所以我想组合多个身体来达到我想要的形状,这有可能吗?或者有更好的方法吗?我正在使用带有 libgdx 框架的 java.

I have a texture which is not just a box or circle and my body needs to be the same of this shape so I was thinking to combine multiple bodies to achieve my desired shape, is it even possible? or there are better ways to do it? I'm using java with libgdx framework.


body的形状由Fixture 实例.由于 body 可以有多个固定装置,因此您可以根据需要组合多种形状.

The shape of body is being defined by Fixture instance. Since body can have multiple fixtures you can combine many shapes as you wish.

要创建许多夹具,您可以与其他人多次调用 createFixture 方法 FixtureDef 对象,如

To create many fixtures you jest call createFixture method many times with others FixtureDef objects like

FixtureDef fd1 = new FixtureDef();
FixtureDef fd2 = new FixtureDef();

fd1.shape = shape1;
fd2.shape = shape2;


虽然请注意 Box2D 通过提供 physics/box2d/ChainShape.html" rel="nofollow">ChainShape 可以让你创建任何你想要的形状

Although please notice that Box2D supports more than circles and rectangles by providing ChainShape that allows you to create any shape you want

ChainShape weird = new ChainShape();
weird.createLoop( new float[]{vertice1x, vertice1y, vertice2x, ...});

要加入机构,有 Joint(看看 这里) 机制,但我想这不是你想要的

To join bodies there is Joint (take a look here) mechanism but I guess it's not what you want here

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本文标题为:如何组合 Box2d 实体?