OpenGL 2.0 or higher with the FBO extension is required- LibGDX Error(需要带有 FBO 扩展的 OpenGL 2.0 或更高版本 - LibGDX 错误)
我从一个月前开始使用 LibGDX &它工作得很好!但是昨天,在更新到 Java 8 后,我运行了两个以前可以工作的桌面项目,它显示了这个错误:
I start using LibGDX from a month ago & It was working perfectly! But yesterday, after updating to Java 8, I ran two desktop projects that used to work , it showed me this error:
OpenGL is not supported by the video driver
I searched online & I found someone post this code:
System.setProperty("org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.allowSoftwareOpenGL", "true");
Well, it works with one of the project, zombie bird tutorial that I was studying , but with the other project It shows:
需要带有 FBO 扩展的 OpenGL 2.0 或更高版本.OpenGL版本:1.1.0微软公司GDI 通用1.1.0
OpenGL 2.0 or higher with the FBO extension is required. OpenGL version: 1.1.0 Microsoft Corporation GDI Generic 1.1.0
P.S:我的设备 OpenGL 版本是:3.1,英特尔核芯显卡 3000 ,LibGDX 版本:1.6.5,&我正在使用 Eclipse Juno.
P.S: My device OpenGl version is: 3.1, Intel HD Graphics 3000 , LibGDX Release: 1.6.5 , & I'm using Eclipse Juno.
好吧,我没能找到真正的解决方案,但只要这个问题是由于您的 Windows GDI 造成的,它只会继续存在你的电脑不是其他电脑的!因此,作为一种解决方案,您可以继续在您的 android 设备或模拟器上进行测试!您将在您的 android 项目中获得相同的结果.
Well, I wasn't able to find a real solution for the problem but as long as this issue is because of your Windows GDI, it will remain only on your PC not the other pc's! So, as a solution, you can keep testing on your android device or your emulator! You'll have the same result on your android project.
找到真正的解决方案!您只需要卸载 Java 8 &重新安装Java 7!似乎 Java 8 不支持或单独使用 Libgdx:p
Find the real solution! You only need to uninstall Java 8 & re-install Java 7! Seems that Java 8 doesn't support or get alone with Libgdx :p
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本文标题为:需要带有 FBO 扩展的 OpenGL 2.0 或更高版本 - LibGD

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